
Glad we agree that Konami did the right thing by releasing before Kojima could sink any more of their money into the game.

Kojima went wildly over time and budget and only completed 1.5 chapters of the game (out of a planned 5). The only reason we got anything at all was Konami stepping in and getting him to ship something playable before they had no choice but to cancel the whole thing. I'm not surprised they decided to fall back on

Rising is an excellent game and much better than the garbage fire that was MGS4.

hate to be "that guy" but thats not how you use "circa" (full disclosure: i love being "that guy")

I enjoyed this show overall but some of the plot developments felt out of character, especially Naz getting knuckle tats after spending what felt like a few days in prison and Chandra smuggling drugs there… took me out of the story a bit. Also IT'S THE CAT!!! THE CAT IS MAKING YOUR ECZEMA GO AWAY!!!

Season 1-4 of the Wire apparently weren't worth consideration either… Even after the 16:9 re-release. 8 seasons of Dexter though!

There's also context I think, Ringu is really an urban legend for an age of landlines and VHS (and renting this relatively obscure film itself from your local VHS place makes you feel like you're involved in its premise) that was over by the time The Ring came out.

if you think old Thing is better than 1982 Thing you need your blood checked

Ringu is a lot creepier than The Ring in my opinion.

I've played through both Hotel Dusk and Last Window and I have to agree that they're boring as shit.

It's more Hotel Dusk, not better or worse but it doesn't try anything new at all. I found it just as dull as the first but YMMV.

It's definitely got a Twin Peaks homage vibe, it even has a log lady (lamp lady) and the diner is straight out of Twin Peaks, even if the main influence is King.

It's not a "civilized ritual", they're just using supervillain mastermind tropes for comedic effect.

well if you don't roll your eyes and say things like "ugh white male much" every now and then how the hell are you going to distance yourself from that group without inconveniencing yourself by challenging those institutions in any meaningful way

Actually very few levels in the original rely on strict timing, not to mention you can pause at any time. The expansion Oh No, More Lemmings! is the one with the shitty pixel perfect levels.

You can play the original in your browser

On Atari ST one player could use the mouse and the other the joystick. The mouse guy had a distinct advantage but the game was still fun and arguably the very first multiplayer RTS.

Probably when they started following him on Twitter.

Why not just link it. It's really good by the way and a pretty good insight as to what makes NdT's twitter insufferable.