
wow… nice racism

Well look at it this way: if you were a late night show host, which candidate would make your job easier once elected?

Same. Glad the game doesn't hold your hand as much and that they made the prosecution actually antagonistic. Great character design too.

One candidate has sold weapons to oppressive regimes and bombed brown children abroad, the other has been racist on television.

The mirror room in Silent Hill 3.

i refuse to believe that kevin smith named his daughter harley quinn

well who else is going to write about being a millennial new yorker

I specifically singled out large sites that are being used as de facto public forums like Twitter or facebook. If you don't see why having Silicon Valley companies decide what constitutes acceptable political speech on platforms that have become a primary means of communication and coordination for millions including

When people say "black lives matter" they're really saying "black lives matter too", not "only black lives matter", and it is an important reminder since society is constantly sending the opposite message.

This is not in question and does not address what I said in any way. The point is: internet moderation does have something to do with free speech as a civil value. Also lol at the "if you don't like it you can get out" argument.

Yes it does. Free speech isn't just a legal concept, it's a civil value to be upheld. Giving multi-billion dollar Silicon Valley companies free reign to police speech that's not disruptive (spam) or clearly illegal (death threats, invasion of privacy) on platforms that are fast becoming primary communication forums

Murder… What an exhilarating feeling!

I've only played a couple hours of this and it feels like a DXHR expansion pack more than a real sequel. Same art direction (with a palette like f.lux just kicked in), same dumbing down of player choice into neatly delimited A, B or C options for each section, same hacking minigame… DXHR was pretty successful and

Same, but said in a very sarcastic tone.

What if I print the article. Your move.

I haven't read King much this past decade (most recently I picked up Mr Mercedes and Finders Keepers, both of which sucked balls) but according to this handy checklist https://sk.listsofbooks.com/ i've read 49 out of 67 which is way more than I expected.

For info: Steam is refunding No Man's Sky no questions asked even after the 2h limit. I believe Sony does as well.

This game is getting awful reviews…

A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. It is like the opposite of “understatement.” It is from a Greek word meaning “excess.”

And they made gravity the same on every planet and huffed the gas giants