
it was funny when the pirates were going nuts because nobody in spain cared enough to upload it until hours later

The "bernie bros and bitches" (funny how gendered insults are fine when directed at women you don't like) overwhelmingly voted for Hillary you fucking moron. Suck the shit out of my ass.

Bernie supporters overwhelmingly voted for Hillary. Stop spreading this horseshit.

By the way the woman who was killed by a white supremacist today was a "Bernie bitch" as you put it, but I guess she was asking for it.

Yes let's not forget the real bad guys here: the "bernie bros and bitches" and all twelve Jill Stein voters. Eat shit

She's just in the terminal stage of getting drunk by yourself and watching the same handful of youtube videos every time

Playing Blue Revolver and Grimrock 2 trying to make it more than an hour in

im sure he'll turnip eventually

Probably the best "regular" episode so far.

Plenty of people here would yell at you when you brought that up.

I guess the years of making islamophobic statements on air were cool with people here since they only turned on him when he dropped the n word.

If only there was some sort of process by which the media could verify information before they just trumpet it for all to hear. We could call it "journalism" or something.

Outstanding TV and outstanding review. Good job everyone.

I love Kill Bill though I would argue that it might work better as a single movie. The entire burial/"Cruel tutelage of Pai Mei" flashback sequence is Tarantino at his best.

They didn't just attack him they smeared him and Trump doubled down. He's a complete piece of shit and a national embarrassment.

Says the other racist crying in this thread.

I think it's funny how hard racists cry when they are called racist. Like you're doing right now all over the comments.

I'm shocked that Bill Maher, a guy who's been going on anti-islam screeds for years and found common ground with Milo and Ann Coulter over their shared hatred of muslims would use a racist slur live on air.

I think black people get to use it however the fuck they want.