
There's many people living in poverty in decaying industry, high suicide rate states that have been watching their jobs go abroad under both republican and democrat administrations and smug liberals calling them dumb and racist isn't going to bring them around.

Ah so Drumpf is a joke about immigrants changing their name while Obummer is a pun. Much better.

I'm just repeating the question you failed to answer because you're clearly talking out of his ass.

I agree that the strength of Souls games' environmental storytelling has nothing to do with the quality of writing but that doesn't answer the question.

the first one has aged pretty badly, just read the wiki

Would love to hear what modern RPG you think has better writing than Witcher 3.

Aside from Persona 5 and Cuphead I can't think of anything interesting that was showcased at E3… Nintendo had a very poor showing despite having a new console coming out in a few months, the big names had more remakes and more bullshit ubisoft-type "gameplay" trailers that look or play nothing like the finished

there was a zoolander 2???

yeah like they did with Sanders

actually it would be good if Trump only went on Colbert from now on. That way no one would see him

Toy Story 2 is the best Toy Story so I'm less concerned with their "pumping out sequels" than I am with how much effort they put into them.

"As he dashes from event to event, he frantically changes from a jacket and tie… into an identical jacket and tie."

he ripped off the head and spine Mortal Kombat style

Actually it's because they know the people who play Persona will be at home on that day (me included)

You're one to talk, you just spent 20 minutes getting mad at someone who just pasted your own comments back to you

You are making a fool of yourself.

[sniveling pissbaby voice] Is it hard to be such a sniveling pissbaby?

[incredibly condescending voice] Life does not stop and start at your convenience! Take your grammatically poor, ill-punctuated whining somewhere else!

[incredibly condescending voice] I'm glad you picked up on my condescension

[incredibly condescending voice] Maybe consider suspending your internet use, since this development is literally everywhere.