
oh yeah well fuck you

LOL! you should rename yourself brian of snark

im 2 eps late or so and i didnt know he was back this season

Nice thanks for the front page spoilers fuckass


appropriate username

kit remington

It was a prank!

Check out Alan Wake

This game is average even in the VN genre but this review makes it sound like a complete failure, which it isn't. The atmosphere alone makes it enjoyable even if the ending is disappointing and the game itself can get a bit dull.

Sounds like this movie… is for the birds!

Well I guess it's sad that there are only 3 seasons but I suppose it's for the best.

That's because beginner artists get it drilled into their head that they shouldn't "think" about what they draw and just learn to draw what they see (see: Betty Edwards), which is a desirable skill but should be supplemented with gesture, perspective and anatomical studies.

They randomized them in P4 because Persona 3 had the single most boring dungeon of all time. It was pretty much the same floor layout over and over for 250+ levels. Persona 5 looks much better in that respect from what they've showed.

Sailor Moon has a lot of fairly adult themes and humor but they were removed almost entirely from the US dub.

On normal too as long as you play around with persona fusion.

The floor layouts in p4 sucked because they're randomly generated.

Believe it or not the P4 dungeons were miles better than P3's. Tartarus is the most boring dungeon ever made and it goes on for fucking ever.

There's a bit of Stand By Me in there too for sure, loved the rural japanese setting and murder mystery they had going on and the way they brute force those characters into growing on the player through hundreds of small daily interactions (sounds bad put this way I suppose but that's how it feels to me and it is

Yes it's just crazy microsoft would do such a thing…