
Ah so the rape Bowie is accused of is less serious than the ones Cosby is accused of, and that means it's not "cool" to compare them. Got it.

Ah yes, the "statutory rape isn't _real_ rape" argument.

but he doesn't

You can't really say you despise it though since you haven't seen it.

Rushmore. Are you seriously expecting me to root for that precious little shit.

It's a boring piece of shit with a godawful sense of humor and anyone who enjoyed it should be executed on live television.

If describing something as a "Ren-Faire-flavored march to the grave" is supposed to make me not want to watch it then you have spectacularly failed

Being unable to enjoy something because of what other people think of it is a character flaw.

I think it's boring and Jackson sucks in it but I wouldn't say I loathe it. At least the music's good.

He didn't say the other stuff on the radio was 'bad', he said Nirvana was different, i.e. they were innovators.

There's no objective assessment of any piece of art without context. And if you're arguing entirely subjectively there's nothing to 'defend' against.

All of them

Ronan and Dylan are defending that position just fine.

i heard that

He's always had a bad ratio on his albums. He's one of those artists you're better off getting Greatest Hits than studio albums from.

Casablanca is a shitty film that doesn't even stand out from its contemporaries
The Usual Suspects' twist ending makes the whole boring thriller with shitty characters you just watched even more worthless
Wall E should have been 45 minutes long

That movie was another bait and switch where you think you're getting sci fi with a Message but they just forget about it 10 minutes in to give you the usual shitty thriller. See also: Sunshine.

red or blue.. you never know what you gonna get

The 'twist' is really dumb anyway, it doesn't make sense outside of the story you've been told but it also reveals none of that story can be said to have actually happened. They could have ended the movie with a dog waking up in a cold sweat after a terrible dream and it would have been just as good a twist.

Clickhole peaked in its first week when they pissed off half the internet with the Calvin and Hobbes prank