
Thankfully the movie has the "street smart sassy black lady" racist trope in it so you can deftly sidestep accusations of misogyny and promptly get back to your job at the women oppression factory.

Weird, I could swear I saw a tape recorder reveal that creates a cliffhanger for next season. Must have dreamed it.

The twist is that Chuck is an asshole. It's the same twist as last season except now there's a cliffhanger. This show sucks.

In the original Dark Souls you are given 2 choices: link the fire, which Frampt is trying to manipulate you into doing so as to prolong the status quo of a decaying world, or usher in the age of Dark, meaning letting the gods die out let humanity take over the world. It's not really as straightforward as 'saving' the

Watch a video lp, you really need to see the fmv acting to get the full experience.

Asylum is good, Origins is just boring

but when *I* do it its harassment

Jim is a jock and a bully.

So is Amelie going to be writing something else or is that is for her at the AV Club?

John Travolta is still running on Pulp Fiction Cool fumes and tbh I liked him in ACS (disclaimer: I've never seen what the real Ben Shapiro is like)

I'm down.

Agreed. Women and minorities do not possess agency and only exist to bolster my own worldview. They can never be wrong or otherwise hold opinions other than mine. I am a progressive and welcome to jackass

I've gone back and watched the higher-rated episodes from recent seasons (there's a few lists out there) and they were mostly awful. The voice work is phoned in, the characters have been flanderized into annoying versions of themselves (Homer and Lisa being the worst offenders), episodes are padded with tired

The video is region restricted actually. But I doubt it would have been funnier than the passive-aggressive condescension from a grown adult angry that someone doesn't think "drumpf" is funny.


Looks like the haters and the losers are coming at me again. Sad!


i see. well nice to see john oliver is making good use of the platform hes been given

i guess i dont get why the trump family changing their name centuries ago like many others is the funniest thing about the insecure imbecile running for president

i understand making fun of a shitty politician but this seems like a really unfunny and unproductive way to do it