
I don't get it. Why is it funny that Trump used to be Drumpf. Why does anyone give a shit.

I binged through all the episodes yesterday, can anyone tell me how many episodes are planned in the season?

If Twilight Zone counts then Black Mirror absolutely does too.

the death of boromir was great in lego lord of the rings so i have full faith it would be handled well

The point is that you clicked it and now you're here.

Agreed. They should just show the wars and beheadings and peasants getting murdered on a whim but at the end of each scene of this misery they should show women laughing and giving thumbs up and an announcer should say "they're fine folks" and then we can pat the women in our lives on the head because we are

Now I'm even more curious what William Hughes' dick looks like.

Wow so weird that people take issue with rape and yet they don't seem to care about a legal, consensual relationship. It really makes you think.

I'll be more worried that an Iraq war supporter who took millions from the people who destroyed the economy in 2008 has somehow become the next democrat president with enthusiastic support from so called "progressives".

Stuffing joggers in the trash compactor never gets old. Or pushing them down the manhole. Or shooting them. Or beating them to death. Fuck joggers

The target's wife has a thing for clowns too…

You can put chloroform on the panties and the guard will knock himself out.

The best Hitman mission is the suburb level from Blood Money.

good news everyone

Nathan Rabin???

those sissification tapes are getting strangely specific

Sick of those "bros" ruining everything

My God you have done it… The whitest post ever written.