
Hooooly shit. Wouldn't want to be a Nazi right now

Whats so bad about the revenant? I don't know anything about it except the premise.

thats how i want to go

SPOILER ALERT the twist is that the character that is currently alive in the books dies.

I also enjoy BETTER CALL SAUL.

The "idiot" said the exact same thing you did, except more concisely and without the smugness.

Forget SF4, it's a very technical game with a high execution barrier and everyone still playing it has likely been playing it for 7 years now. SF5 has greatly simplified systems and was designed to be easier to pick up and play.

You can still play 3S online with Fightcade, the game still has an active community.

If the game gave you puzzle after puzzle in order then you'd have a point. But there's an order you have to follow to learn the mechanics and no indication where you're supposed to go, the entire island is available from the start, and you walk at a snails pace. I don't buy it.

"I’m about 10 hours deep into this game right now, and I’ve got to say: It’s the real deal, an absolute masterpiece of design. I’ve completed around 350 of the supposedly more than 600 puzzles in the game"

this piano was a god damn hero

ok this is great and all but can someone explain why it costs 6 million dollars to make a gumball machine joke about movies

Deadwood was great, like an old west version of the Wire. I loved it the first time around but also somewhat stopped on the second watch. I think knowing that it ultimately never gets an ending kind of dampened my enthusiasm for it.

That's a blended whisky you piece of shit

Has enough time gone by that we can finally agree that the Red Hot Chili Peppers fucking suck

This show is [REDACTED] and everyone who like it is a [REDACTED]

Be honest did you think of Unbreakable yesterday when that story about the guy who survived both 9/11 and the 11/13 concert trended on Reddit.