
I also like to think they're like Leslie and Ben's triplets (from Parks N Rec) - really rambunctious and really smart. I really would like to see a spinoff / revival show.

Do you mean the Senior Partners?

Maybe it was Mondo Roe?

I think so! I was impressed by his anguish at his mom's head in a box (not that I endorse decapitations).

"In anger, I, Sean Renard, must take off my shirt whilst I joust with Skull man. Oh blast, the rod has vanquished me to smithereens!"

So if grown up baby Kelly woges Zauber in a mirror, does he abyss Grimm eye himself?

Ah I'd forgotten that. Hmmm.

It's not that kind of show. Hey-o!

Yeah like what was up with that steampunk phone booth in which Renard got all sweaty (after giving his rings to an imaginary shopkeeper)? I mean, Meisner was already haunting him. Why'd he need that sauna thingie? Meisner didn't even get corporeal.

I've been watching it - I like Jeremy Davies. IMO he's definitely better as a big bad than lovesick headless puppy Abraham, or Emo-Huntress from last season.

Exactly- especially since a common translation of Shaphat is "to judge, vindicate, punish." A Grimm Zauber baby would probably be quite a force (you know, once he's potty trained).

Yeah his eyebrows get just a scooch more smoldery and you know he means bidness.

I thought it may have happened around the time of the Crusades- Zerstorer was sucked into a Phantom Zone of sorts, along with any unfortunate souls (Wesen and human) in his wake, and the portal was sealed off, then the stick was hidden. That would explain the medievalishness of the Other Place.

I love that show! I'm excited for its return.

She could break Zerstorer's nose with a righteous head butt!

Ooh ooh! "Auntie Trubel's Academy for 'Lil Grimmsters"!! Educator by day, Eradicator by Night"! Hold on, I need to call Hazy Mills.

Definitely agree - "Not Fade Away" was not messing around.

Oh that would suck, if it was some twist like that. "The camera pulls back and we see that it was only a story being read to a non-magical Diana this whole time."

So if Wu and Hank were killed by the staff, will the splinter of destiny from the staff heal them? Or is it rendered impotent because of the source of the wound? Am I thinking wayyyy too much about this? (Probably).

I'm going to go watch that chat. It would be so awesome if she got a spinoff - it could be like "Frasier"!