
Justin Timberlake had a song about that.

Ah! I always flip their names!

And perhaps have a low-key binder competition?!

A Perd Hapley news segment would be cool. Roland Pryzbylewski from The Wire. Mary Steenburgen is a delight.

"Badge before Va…" "Scully!!"

Per this article, http://www.todayifoundout.c… the flavor of bubblegum is a (spoiler alert) "artificial construct with no analogue in nature". 🤓

"Triple dubs"?

I thought that at first - but my kid corrected me. She's Tom's Canadian ex-wife and Ron's short-time lover, Wendy. (She was also one of Michael's architect colleagues in TGP).

Exactly- I think she's the most "Swanson" of the bunch - definitely a libertarian.

I don't think Mike Schur is a huge fan of jazz- he pokes at it in his shows. "Parks and Rec" joked about its terribleness a couple of times and in "The Good Place" they said they used it in "the bad place" as a method of torture.

At the end, when he gave her that big ol' smooch after he crashed through the portal, her eyes lit up and became the size of saucers - CC is adorable.

I think a lot of people prefer Meisner's firm. Hey-o!

I thought there may have been a cut scene, like another vision / dream she had when the rest of the group were in the living room, where Zerstorer enchanted her with the magic of the other world and how he'd take care of her and Baby Kelly and rainbows and butterflies and unicorns. That's why she wasn't scared and

I didn't understand why she didn't seem to recognize her "other mommy" when she just mentioned her a few weeks ago to Eve.

"I'm here to chew bubblegum and slaughter the tongue of your motherland. And I'm all out of bubblegum."

Blergh. I'm still unreasonably angry about the HIMYM finale. Like, if I'd have had an axe and a Spice Shop during that finale, I would have smashed it.

You didn't enjoy "Sacred Fart: The College Years" ?

I really liked how they did a few episodes last season, when some of the seemingly procedural episodes fed into the overarching theme.

I don't think so, but fingers crossed for an "Agents of SHIELD" crossover.

Exactly! And Councilman Jamm has to be some sort of wesen.