
I liked her hair style too. "Girl, wiping out Wesen terrorist cells looks good on you!"

Yeah he was scary!

Torsten Voges - he's 6'9"

Oooh oooh- the hell dimension where the Sr Partners sent Lindsay in Season 5!!

I'm curious what the show would have looked like had CC been cast as Juliette and BT been cast as Adalind. (Not sure why my mind works that way, but the DG / CC chemistry was evident from the first episode).

I thought "they're going to have to have Spike come in with a magic medallion to close the door between the dimensions".

I thought the same thing!

I bet their babies are going to be koalas wearing footy pjs.

Way out there theory and could possibly be spoilerish but I doubt it (I'm not very good with theories) but could mirror man be the gatekeeper to hell and pestilence and destruction et al, and he wants a companion (Eve) to help him bring forth the apocalypse?

I know; they had that Grimm lineage book and everything that seemed to have just been swept under the rug.

Ha! "Look, Pa, I brought you an ear!"

Yeah I thought it was weird that Monroe and Rosalee sprang to mind first too!

I was hoping that would happen too!

I'm rewatching this episode (because I'm so cool). Did Monroe say "Nadalind Forever" in the hallway kerfuffle (when he was chasing Eve)?

I thought of that story too as soon as Renard's panic dissolved into amusement!

I laughed at Nick's indignant response when Eve asked if the mirror had swirly hell portal-ed before. "If it had I probably would have warned you."

That was hilarious!!

I think that was CeCe?

So what's your point, to try to convince people not to like the show, or did you just need to vent?

In looking at the upcoming episode descriptions (like all the cool kids do of course) I think it'll be covered in the next episode.