
"I'm only now just realizing why that wouldn't work." RIP Jason, you professional amateur EDM DJ. Gone too soon.

Oh man, when Wesley tried to burn Lilah's contract. Oh heck, now you've made me catch Seabreeze's allergies.

I can't imagine that conversation in the permit office could have gone well.

There was also the guy who woged into a girl and vice versa- the woged monster almost looked inside out if I recall.

Les, Renard has always lived in posh places that seem out of the realm of a police captain's salary. I thought it had to do with some sort of Royal/hush money thing.

Yeah it may have just been a typo, but they were so careful about that last year I wondered if it might have been intentional.

Shoot, they could throw in Trubel/Eve, Adalind/Meisner, et al and have a love heptagon. But they should get Hank a nice girl who's not trying to stab him in the back and get Wu a nice companion too.

Anybody catch how Eve told Nick "do you remember what your mom said to US"? Not "you and Juliette" like she did last season. Or even "do you remember what your mom said (no additional pronouns necessary)? Do y'all think it was just a slip or was it intentional?

I thought Trevor ran another neighborhood in the bad place.

It's the celery of desserts. Zero stars.

The paper itself will be a bit of a torture mystery. Not lava monster and 3 headed bear level torture, more like a rock in your shoe torture.

The title of the page was "What we owe each other," so that will give her another clue, especially when she finds Chidi to show him the note.

Unless his time with humans is actually causing him to care for them?

Now you're gonna make me read deep stuff before next season. gah.

I wonder, what if the levels of torture in the bad place are related to the point totals? So they sorta sucked IRL, so their level of torture is not the same as horrid murdery people. This is a medium bad place.

7 upvotes for the Frobisher reference! Man, Ted Danson is brilliant.

I love Ted Danson, but that smile revealing his bad place role is going to give me nightmares.

I loved Lorne! RIP Andy Hallet :(

I thought it was touched on in the pilot with Michael's orientation (with the point calculator presentation). You get points for a good deed, but the deed qualifies for more points if it's not self serving at all.

He's also Pawnee, Indiana's top lawyer, Trevor Nelson!