
I'm hoping it gets picked up by Fox, but if not, maybe FX(X?) will grab it up. Or Amazon Prime or Netflix, because I have those and I don't have the Hulu. I don't want to buy another subscription for my stories!

Shadow boys!

My husband is disturbed at how much I emulate Bev already with our son (but my kid is seriously the most delicious schmoopy in all the land). I actually got so excited about the prospect of hoarding coupons and then cashing them all in at once when he's a teenager.

What does Black Claw want with Wu?

Meisner and Diana have sort of a connection, right? Like at the end of last season, on the helicopter, she seemed like she knew/remembered him and even showed grandpapa his future (skull reflection) right before Meisner shoved him out the window. And she laughed (which was an unexpected reaction?) Anyway, I hope that

I meant protect Nick and Kelly from BC, not Diana. But yeah I don't understand why Diana didn't just run away from BC unless she doesn't know how powerful she really is, especially since she (Diana) has been pretty sheltered.

Yeah, I'm still holding onto hope that the way they tamed Juliette was by splicing her with Kelly Sr DNA, making her a sort of proxy mom for Nick. "Protective mom" is way cooler than "Supposed BAMF who pines for the Grimm".

I don't know why Diana didn't just go with Adalind with an Eric Cartman "Screw you guys, I'm going home" to BC. I'm guessing Adalind didn't suggest it right then because she didn't want to endanger Nick or Kelly? Hey but maybe she and Diana and their connection to Eve can work together to tear down BC in the belly of

Lol well, Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry is the worst.

Like he's busting Diana out of a safe house and playing poker with his brother, Lucien?

I am not sure which commenter originated this theory, but I'm hoping that "Eve" is revealed to have somehow been combined with Kelly Sr, providing another angle for the protectiveness over Nick (rather than a romantic one).

You're a bigger woman than I am, m'lady. I had to tap out after the hostage/selling on the dark web storyline.

Maybe so, but I really hope he's not so Pimento and Rosa/Emily can be in love.

I'm hoping they go to the Parks and Rec well. I'd love to somehow see Amy Poehler or Retta, but I guess neither of them can be Figgis.

For some Parks and Rec synergy I hope Figis is Jim O'Heir or Adam Scott or Amy Poehler (somehow someway that would be the balls). Or Councilman Jamm!

Yeah- it seems like Wu is shrugging off the symptoms "oh bad neck ache" "oh blurred vision" "oh weird forest in my bathroom dream" but Wu's a smart guy and he's been around the Grimm block a few times by now. It seems like he should've mentioned something to one of them.

Keanu Reeves/ Dogstar?

Maybe he and Wicked Mary Todd are on a fun little vacation. Don't go to any plays!

Because it wasn't a full "moon" yet. Hey-o! Get it? Full moon like a butt? Alright- I'm going back to sleep. But I'm not sorry.

"You were the chosen one!!!! It was said you'd destroy the Claw, not join them!"