
Wwhaaat? (Shakes head confusedly, Scooby-Doo style).

Yeah I wondered how Black Claw got her from the Resistance?

hmm, a law firm that is potentially evil, a deeper well, and creepy kid with an old soul? Just bring in Spike already and call it a day!!!

Fawn was magnificent!

Ha! That is subtle, just like the Grimm writers like it.

Ooh- What if Eve also become pregnant with Renard's baby?

I was hoping that too.

Ok so Nick walks out of the jewelry shop and tells Hank (who is teasing him about being young and innocent) "oh well I'M getting married once, not four times."

I believe the pilot said 4 ex-wives. I'll go watch it again and find out. Brb.

Oooh! "Eve learns how to handle a peen." Webisode! Webisode!

"Hey Eve, what does Meisner think of you Renarding? Where the heck is he anyway?"

I'm hoping that Eve threat was just an Adalind nightmare/daydream.

My vote is for Were-WuF. Was Eve/Renard blushing when Rachel woged? That scene cracked me up in its awkwardness.

Oh dude, they'd do that? I love the Grimm coverage here. How can we keep them covering it? Should I write my congressman?

So I looked it up and it seems Portland still has Sergeants outrank detectives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/… (Rank section). Maybe Wu is just one of those really helpful supervisors who wants to facilitate success for his team?

Well her old buddy McBendy Fingers thought she was raking in the dough when he was trying to shake her down. "Look at this place!"

I had a roommate in college who told me I shouldn't wear my favorite turtleneck because I have the ribcage of a football player. She deserved the wedgie she got.

Oh man I didn't even finish reading your paragraph without imagining the sweet sweet crossovers!! By the hammer of Thor I hope this happens!!

I know! As soon as I saw she was apparently topless I thought "Shirtless Rage Renard is coming!"

But we did have a shirtless Renard! With Eve's head! Edited - I just saw Evil Lincoln's catch below. That morph scene was cool and unsettling.