
I liked the zag with Goyo's boss too. He was a little more chill than I expected him to be. "meh, Throw the match or quit- no big."

Ha! I hope she has a sweet sweet "ear necklace"

Diana's been in a hell dimension with Holtz the Vampire Hunter this whole time!!

I'm the same way- terrible with conversing but man, when I write in my wesen journal I'm a regular Tolstoy. I wish he would have at least admitted to Adalind they found something but weren't entirely sure what it was, and for her and Kelly's safety wanted to keep a lid on it for now. It would have been the truth

I thought that same thing when she was looking Rachel up on the HW database- look, she tilted her head slightly all dead behind the eyes like, so you know she means business or something like that. Yeah I wish we could have see Trubel or Meisner.

Did anyone else get an RL Stine/ Goosebumps "The Haunted Mask" vibe with this episode?

Oh man I love the Panera app! Quite convenient.

Look. Here are the facts. Fred Savage is a national treasure! A TREASURE!

And Adelind's own admission of not wanting to be like her mother was pretty clear to me that she's not generally leaning into the evil.

Me too. Meisner got all poopy and sent her to Santiago. Do you think her blood could kill Adelind's Hexenbiest since A-Schade is immune to Nick's? Unless Trubel is actually related to Nick (which I've thought for awhile).

But what about the antonyms, sallgood? What about the antonyms?

And obviously a bird brain!

There may be a consequence to its healing. Or there's the fear that it could be destroyed or misused. But I'm hoping at the end of it all, Willow will be able to tap into its magic and empower the Slayer, er, I mean Grimm, in all of us.

Oh man wouldn't it have been cool if it was a gem that had been holding Spike!

PSA- don't Google "magic wood". But I did just look at the Wikipedia page for the "holy lance" and there was even a blurb in there about a legend being that Hitler tried to find it (which fits into a couple of things referenced in the show).

I was hoping that it was somehow baby Kelly's Zauberbiest coming out to protect his mom (in the spice shop) also picking up on her anxiety (boiling water) but I didn't even notice the creeping under her skin mentioned in the review. I hope that even if Adalind becomes a Biest again she still ends up on the side of

Oh man I'd be excited to see that "fome-makeover" show.

Also, does it bother anyone else that Dean was helping Bemis with a "new Grinder" backstory that delved into new Grinder's untapped childhood, when they're supposed to be brothers (ipso facto, shared childhood backstory that would have been tapped in original Grinder)? "Maybe he lived near a military base and would

There was a scene when the Bemis referenced a Grinder episode and the plot of it was that Mitchard has sabotaged the firm. I think this arc is going to point back internally (like to Dean Sr, who seems ridiculously resistant to help with this). Especially since this episode he was insisting that Stew and Dean work

Especially since we already have Artemis and her bleached- oh wait. I won't finish that sentence.