
I read he was "Forged from the gods." *swoon*

Yeah- kind of a suburban Lord of the Flies. Even Claire joined in this week. Poor Stew.


"Oh Victor, you need to moisturize."

I know! That's what I thought too. Surely it violates some sort of water pressure code.

I love this show but man I wish someone had Stew's back (I'd have that back, hey-o!). It sucks that they're all against him.

So like the devil librarian Tammy Swanson? Man I miss Parks and Rec.

"their mother's scorn"

Dude, grody is the exact term I had in mind. I still texted the video link to my husband in an evil form of "Rick Rolling." He's so going to leave me now.

Definitely don't google that at work

And all the ship lap walls that Waco TX has to offer.

"This is so not in the budget. At this pace, we're going to lose money."

Dang it I knew that episode was the harbinger of something unholy.


Watching it again. Dude that baby sleeps a lot. He's either resting up to be a super bad ass toddler or the mix of Hexenbeist and Grimm just cancels each other out and you get someone with the energy level of a hungover soccer mom.

Agreed! And she's awesome so could fit right in with the group.

Oooh that would be good.

Speculation here, but since keys serve to unlock stuff, wouldn't it stand to reason that they actually need all 7? Sure they know where to go, but wouldn't the last two keys be needed to unlock whatever it is they need to unlock? I guess they could call Pop-a-Lock.

Yeah Nick's heard more about people looking for the FBI/HW lady than people looking for Juliette. You'd think that letting Eve go back to work as "Juliette" would be a more believable cover than those wigs and just pretending that Juliette ran away.

I wonder if somehow Diana has them?