Mr. Random

So, I like this series, quite a lot.
I have this serious problem with it.
And that's how, it seems to always try and portray the Old Gods as being, if not good, better than the New Gods.
This happened in the book, but it was told from Shadow's perspective, and I just took it as his, and by extension Mr. Gaiman's,

Well, we've gone pretty far off the rails at this point. And it while it looks like this track might be hitting some of the same stops, the journey's looking pretty new.
I absolutely love it.
Let the war begin.

Jesus, Jared's anger.
I caught some spill over shame from how great that was.

It's like Chuck only cares about what he feels he deserves.
And Jimmy, or I guess Saul at this point, only cares about what he thinks he needs.

These reviews were all done, REAL fast.
That said, I got some weird fucked up Batman vibes from Piscatella.
One man.
Acting as a vigilante.
Dressed in Black Combat armor.
Using stealth.
And extreme, yet directed, violence.
To subdue criminals.

Tell them to prove their sources. Have them act with actual journalistic integrity. If someone wants to prove that your sources are fake and have you accept that as truth, then they'll need to do more than simply say, I SAY IT'S FAKE!

So why were you discussing politics if you weren't trying to change someone's mind or learn more about them?

Prove it.

That's when you need to offensively ask questions about their news sources.

The Thing is a hero and would not like to be associated with Ted Cruz.

Statutory rape. It's still fucked up, but a wholly different kind of fucked up.

That discounts underage relationships. kinda.
The kid may consent.
and it is rape, statutory,
but it wasn't non-consensual,

I wonder what OJ is up to these days.
I wonder if he cares people think he's a murderer.

Best I can tell, we're either real close to the end of the series or things are gonna get rough for Jimmy real soon.
Saul is almost here. Mike is working with Gus. Hector's stroke is incoming. Kim is swelling her workload to compensate for Jimmy.

I like the new trio the show is doing. They really all bounce against each other nicely.
But Salim, needs to chill.
Also, nice little moment with the limp. I had to rewind a bit to see if it wasn't just my imagination.
Shadow and Wednesday are running headlong off the tracks the book set down, and I absolutely love it.

I liked it. There were a few issues though. Overall I'd say a solid B. Maybe a B+ if you want to overlook a few issues. But mostly a solid B.

I wonder if telling him that is what prompted the reconciliation. Didn't want his child to think that of him.

So after running through the series, I say, it's fun and enjoyable. DEFINITELY aimed at teens, but weird and fun enough for older folks.
Archie's the missing brother.
Or was all the "You look just like Jason" comments just a waste of time?

It might not be great, but I'm happy it's not bad.
If they can focus more on the characters and less on… nothingness? Can't really call it world building if it's already built… World in-growing? Reiterating?
If they can focus more on the characters, develop them and make them less dour, as the trailer seems to

Because she's more human.
I think of Superman a little.