Mr. Random

Arnie was pushing them together a couple episodes ago.
Honestly, I seriously don't like him.
Dev… he's more complicated.
But the emotional complexity that's built up was… incredible. And it felt real.
I didn't enjoy it, but I liked it.
It was good.

I honestly think it'd be great to see an episode where Lion kidnaps him when he gets back so they can train in the desert.
Lars falling on his face as he tries to open a portal.

So Lars basically died by having a rock shoved so far into his eye it pierced his brain.
That and it was apparently bad enough Steven couldn't heal the wound all the way. And I seriously wonder what other powers Lars has now. Can he create portals like Lion? Does he have enhanced strength? Durability? Speed?

Was this suppossed to be a hint that he was already suspecting the bacteria?

I thought Mr. Town was almost explicitly a direct foil of Shadow. A sorta normalish human who chooses his side for his own reasons. He even falls for Dead Wife for almost the same reason Shadow did.

I honestly think the trick is this isn't going to end like the book. I think that's the trick that's gonna really shake the show loose.

I like how possibly the most normal piece of this episode is the mortician who may or may not want to fuck a horse.

So when The Doctor said as lifeless as the moon, was he saying barren or… what?
'Cause I'm pretty sure the moon's an egg.

So what this episode covered and I guess what it took me a bit to realize is… Jimmy's a very results oriented person.
He'll do the work, no matter what to accomplish the goal. He'll work in the mail room for years, he'll dumpster dive for receipts, he'll chase down an entire case on his own if he has to.

This will either be very good or the nail in the coffin.
Unless the reviews point otherwise.

Until they announce what the spinoffs are, I won't really get that hyped.
Mostly because it sounds like someone chose an arbitrary number and tossed the job to the writers to figure out what periods places and characters to follow.

As a bit of revisement, apparently I forgot his real name is Donald but one of the Hooli execs (huh Disque recognizes execs but not revisement) called him Jared and he never really argued.

Though, going to a hotel might be a good thing here.
If and when Nikki is arressted, there's probably a security camera of Ray checking in to the hotel she was.
While it might paint him in a bad light, her knowing about it and the room number, and possibly complaining about a broken window, will help prove where she was.

So… He's taking two extra days off? And, even if people are foolish and circulate that advrtisers are pulling out, it might actually make it true.
People are funny like that.
Still, it means they can just blame the media if it does happen.

Also if we're taking bets on what the next season will be, I'm betting on A Wild West theme.

Everything just sorta fell into despair there at the end. Though of all the two noir books I've read, they kinda do that.
Just the last few parts always tend to lead to a bad ending. Not necessarily a shitty one, but most people are worse off for being part of the story.
And that's what kinda happens here.

I'm actually really concerned for the show.
Not so much the characters, because, yeah. They'll get through, that's just what this show is.
But moreso, BNN's continued existence.
The 99 might be shutting down arc and now a slightly forced cliffhanger?

The way I see it, every character that we don't know of in Breaking Bad has three options.
Just remember, no matter what, every character has to D.I.E.

Bob's Burgers: We tried until it was easier to just have fun.

We get a few recurring themes.
Germany, older women, and sudden snapping anger associated with protective love.
My main guess is that he was raised normally for the first couple years of his life.
Then, he and his parents went to live in a regressive nazi-proganda camp where he was given the name Donald and summarily