Mr. Random

I'm not talking about the actual fight. I mean that if you push the concept of the Hand as an omnipresent organization, one of its core identities as a group villain and one of the few that can be used to change the story significantly, you either change the story for the worse or you have to ignore it, rendering the

What sucks is that to do something like that for the Hand is more like, "And then the barista at the coffee shop stepped outside and fired a gun at them."
And to reach that level would force the rest of the show, until the Hand is dismantled into being in close quarter with barely any movement,or almost entirely

I read the governor's daughter scene as Herr Starr trying out his own version of the Word.
Say anything and have it obeyed. No matter how strange or embarrassing.

I like how… not smarter, more competent? the kids are getting. Like they're just getting REAL comfortable with Rick going full-on party demon.

Of course. He's like the devil. Or, I guess THE DEVIL, or a super fucked up god.

The trailer kinda spoiled me on this. There was a scene where a bloodied Worldender is hurled through the air. I figured right as they were getting to his base, it was too soon to have it be the whole episode.

I think Dany painted herself into the corner of having to choose between ruthlessness and weakness. If she had attacked with a different army, (she didn't have anymore), she could have chosen her choice of choices differently. As for Tyrion, he's on Team White Walkers Are Real, so I think he figured it'd work well to

But also… Targaryens.

Considering he was probably the one who set him to copying the documents that held Jon's parentage? Probably.

I think he's supposed to be Robyn Arryn's stand-in. So if he goes, a couple thousand knights go too.

He seemed ready to launch into another Emmy winning speech before Jaime cut him off.

And it seems the maesters knew. Or they're REALLY bad at being the bastion of knowledge they purport to be.

3 Things:
1) I am, just a tiny bit but still noticeable, pissed Bran didn't just say who the dagger belonged to.
2) The only thing I can imagine Littlefinger thinking when he was watching Arya was "This could be useful to my vague and dangerously unbalanced plans."
3) https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Went to see it with some friends,

He had a good grasp of the fundamentals though.

I get the distinct impression that Starr has a varied and impressive sexual history. One I am both okay with not knowing and yet… also want to.


I think this is the most the show has been a combination High Concept Sci-Fi Adventure and Grounded Emotional Family Drama. In how the kids work out their issues over their parents divorcing by A) Beating dozens of people to death with a genetically bioengineered arm of a mass murderer and B) Becoming a roving Death

He did seem extra detached since the Wall. I'm seriously wondering how long, on his personal timeline, he spent in the past.

Ah, Remember early in Season 1 when you could count the number of characters who died?