
For a movie with a female focus, it's pretty reductive — Rebel Wilson doubles down on the fat jokes, Kendrick's character is even more petulant and shitty than in the first movie, Lilly is even more psychotic, the Latina group member only exists to be offensive and a walking stereotype of the worst conceptions of

There's a reality out there where Rick and Morty got delayed by a month and is sitting on top of the list.

Considering playing Final Fantasy XII, a game I bought years ago and played for about ten hours before buying Mass Effect and never looking back.

I'm sick and tired of reading about how great of an episode Ozymandias is and how its the capstone of one of the best shows ever made. Cumulatively this tournament is just hammering on how crucial, important and significant every scene of that episode is. DOWN WITH THE KING. HANNIBAL FOREVER.

Greatest episode ever? It's really good, but I still think that "Final Grades" was one of the most powerful hours of TV I've ever seen.

I would pay a pint of blood to see a Death Grips musical, because to pay with any other type of currency would be criminal.

Wait the AV Club acknowledges the weekend? NO.

Warner Bros: "We're not giving America the franchise it wants, we're giving it the franchise WE NEED."

I'm throwing a non-viewing party with all my friends! It's byob though. Because self-reliance is a virtue.

This is the additive effect at work. I would see this movie.

Save the hipster, save the world.

Ann Coulter in black Spandex and a cat mask is a shockingly weird mental image.

I've never been more excited to not see a movie.

He's deflecting! Call him out!

man I need to read these threads before I post stuff I guess.

His former employer respectfully disagrees with you here, although due to the semantics if you really want to dig your heels and argue that a 12-year position as a senior lecturer doesn't qualify you for the title of "professor," go ahead: http://www.law.uchicago.edu…

I'm so confused, my mind is telling me Hannibal but my SOUL is telling me Rixty Minutes

Vox is a wonderful comment-free land for left-leaning journalists to pat itself on the back for writing "objective, fact-based articles" and "explainers" for people new to news.

What makes that line so funny for me is that the narrator (who I think is Harmon himself? I've listened to a few episodes of Harmon Town and it kinda sounds like him) cracks for that one last line at the absurdity of "jesus, okay fine it's just called Two Brothers".