
The combination of those two episodes really bear the dark, nihilistic core of the show, which is shocking and really admirable for a cartoon on Adult Swim. Who saw that coming.

Your case has very little too it since Bobs Burgers is among the shows with the poorest median viewer, while shows like modern Family, Parks and Rec, and the Good Wife have among the wealthiest viewers. It would also not surprise me if Broad City's main audience is college kids and recent grads, who also don't have

Watch it if you enjoy or find yourself:
-Talking about Camus with frenemies
-Liking landscape pictures on Instagram
-Thinking about how southerners are all inbred hicks
-repeating "it's about the journey, not the destination."


This tournament is making me hate all the shows I love please stop this madness AVCLUB WHY DO WE HAVE TO FIGHT LIKE THIS

Comedies definitely have an advantage over dramas in this type of format though.

To be fair, House of Cards wasn't all that good…so it's not really a shocker people stopped talking about it.

One. One great performance, and Woody Harrelson just being morose and insecure.

"Oh, it's on the CW? Pass."

If the judge hasn't seen the show, it's game over I guess, huh? Josh basically compared one episode of Arrow to the entire season of True Detective. Ah well. Not that Arrow even at it's best stood much of a shot against True Detective.

Agreed — by all accounts Kelly was a nightmare to work with. But at least they pulled it off?

God I love this movie and I loved this number growing up. I still say "I KEEEEENT STAND HIM" to this very day, even though basically no one knows I'm quoting this movie.

But I didn't apologize.

Also, to be clear, this isn't a question of superiority. (although, it is to you, I guess.) I love the West, its technology, its art, and its intellectual history. But that doesn't exclude me from appreciating and admiring the amazing works from other regions of the world, and seeing how the ideas of others have

Wow way to step it up, I mean Jesus I just think we should recognize that hey the East has some smart cookies and here you are, comparing me to Che Guevara and telling me I'll die a failure. Harsh man. Real harsh. And you call me the hater? What are you compensating for brah? I'm sure all of the Western writers,

My wounded heart. I'll miss you.

You're leaving me? I thought we had something special here.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I got it. Duh, obviously because Western society is the best that means no one else is even worth talking about, recognizing or thinking about. I can't believe I didn't get that until just now. Thanks for all the help man, you did a great job in winning me over.

You're hilarious.

So, what, these stories didn't exist or didn't matter until a white guy published them? Did you even read the second paragraph right there?