
Concerning the Norman conquest, the Normans were of Viking descent I'm sure you know so no, I'm not surprised they invaded England but I hope they went about it in a more humane manner than their Viking forebears. I'm sure the consolation of their Christian faith did help the poor victims of the conquest bear their

Did my mentioning that the Vikings were also cruel and uncivilized as well as heroic make you think I was unfairly judging them? If so, please tell me what I am allowed to discuss on this thread so I can be sure not to ruffle any feathers in the future.

No no no Adele, I never contested that the Vikings were a lawless society. I hope you don't think I said that because I didn't. I said they behaved in a cruel and uncivilized manner. See my above post concerning the blood eagle as an example. But I find them fascinating to watch and I've enjoyed seeing how

Apparently no good deed goes unpunished!

I don't understand why you find it necessary to criticize Christians in your comments. No one here is so naive to think or expect Christians to be perfect in all ages and times. and nobody claims they were. I must ask you to be tolerant of all religions when posting to me thank you.

So true Agog, if only the Black Sails producers could have figured that out. With a lot of wild pirates marauding on that show the ratings would have been through the roof. I guess it's cheaper to film sex scenes than action scenes though.

My response to you disappeared into cyber space so I will try to write it again. Sorry if it's a duplicate post.

I have read books as well 08a and they do indicate the Vikings would kill young children when raiding England. The Vikings only became civilized when they became Christians I'm afraid.
Have a great day.

I was wondering why he didn't just escape myself. I hope the priest threatening A. with being crucified wasn't foreshadowing his eventual fate.

You're right that it's just drama and not just a real life person portrayed as Athelstan. Guess everybody can't be a St. Patrick though. I'm just saying this depiction of A. is not ringing true with me. In real life he would have been trying to convert Ragnor's children when nobody was around, and Ragnor as well.

You don't know what you've been missing!

True, but he had spent a lifetime being a dedicated Christian so 5 years to undo all that and become a killer is still a stretch for me.

True, but no one forced A. to become a warrior, it was his own idea. Trish commented below about possible Stockholm Syndrome. Not too familiar with that but remember the Patty Hearst case. She was the last person on earth who would have robbed a bank before she was kidnapped. So maybe A. does have S.Syndrome.

LOL ThunderLizard. I'm sure they would have enjoyed Samson and Delilah as well. If the young Viking children heard these stories it would be easier to convert them later on.

Athelstan could start reading them Bible stories and the rest is history.

Hope so!

I thought the young monk startled Athelstan who killed him without having time to realize he was unarmed and not dangerous. Your comment about Stockholm Syndrome certainly makes sense as I was having difficulty understanding the change in Athelstan from pious monk to killer Viking wannabe.

Give them time, they will figure out how to defeat the Vikings one day.

Rollo should be able to get back into Ragnor's good graces after his valiant showing during the invasion.

I'm having a hard time believing an educated monk such as Athelstan could suddenly become a warmongering Viking marauder. Usually it would take someone trained from birth to be able to behave as the Vikings did, not a sensitive, educated monk.