Blanket Jackson

Buffy is short for Elizabeth. Maybe not in the Whedonverse, but… yeah, in real life.

Well, do you like Pulitzer-winning musicals?

I'm personally offended, but it's because I have a wideset dingus

All right folks [Krusty laugh] it's time for Savage Dik Where-
Wait… This isn't

Yeah, he's only there for like a second.

Weekend at Ernie's?

I have some unfortunate news for you

Holy shit what? And they're staffed by North Koreans? I can understand the ones in China, but I would be fascinated to learn about the day-to-day life of those folks.

What exactly do you mean by North Korean restaurant? Like, it's run by North Korean refugees?

Hot take: None of these movies were good.

I think it's because of the backlash from Dopey the Dick's fans.

I Personally refer to him as 'Dumpy' in all my communication.

I forgot about Gaul! That's languishing on one of my many hastily scrawled lists of movies to watch. Whatever. I want Reich to score a bunch of movies. And if Scott Walker could do like 20 more scores I'd be real happy.

I want a film score from Steve Reich. And I need Sufjan to write a musical.

Saying it has one joke is being a little generous

I'm actually Dennis DeYoung, and you can kiss my ass.

i think he means meat and sex

Hopefully the first Mike will follow your lead.

Okay, but let's talk about that kid for a second.

Polar Bear