Blanket Jackson

I think that came from Dimitri Martin.

Ok, Teen Vogue

Yeah, the twist boils down to "this movie you thought was misrepresented in the trailers is actually the movie the trailers made it out to be."

Just seven? Because I sense eight

Sorry, that's Cheeto Benito

Yeah but how do I buy one?

I'm just here for the centerfolds.

The Boxing Dead

Rectum? I hardly knew 'er!

Okay. that clears that up. Also, Savage love posts in the mornings now? What brave enw world have I found myself in?

I see your askhistorians and I raise you badhistory

I've been away from the column for a bit. Is Other Guy no longer posting here?

That movie gets a lot of shit, but that scene is phenomenal.

Yeah this is disappointing at best, internet! Especially seeing a Bass poster at the top, I hoped for something somewhat enlightening like the letters and notes from Bass's drafts for the posters for The Shining.


Aw, damnit. Shows what I know about the pair. Though I actually really love Camelot, a couple dull songs notwithstanding.

A Lolita, My Love joke would be a little too obvious here, wouldn't it?

mor lik poop cultur, yeah?

okay thanks

"My little water baby"