Blanket Jackson

But I missed it too!

Nothing had ever gone on for six pages before then! The only thing that came close was the Niebelungen, which as we al know could fit easily on a bar napkin.


that's not… how.. dictionaries………..

A joke that combines Happy Days, Twin Peaks and Better Call Saul? You're gonna be a star in no time, kid!

You're right. And i think the discomfort with the effects in the earlier episodes is that he was using digital media-based effects that just feel very different from old filmic effects, even though both were employed to have an obvious artificiality to them.

Also Brackhage

yeah what the fuck does any of that mean? it sounds like a personality disorder.

playing it straight sounds like the problem though. like- like Seven Pounds or something.

At first I thought it was supposed to be a Kellyanne Conway thing, but then she had a southern accent, and no one else correlated with anyone in Dumpy's administration or personal life, save for Calpurnia as Melania. It was all pretty half-baked.

Which is a shame, because Richard II is pretty fantastic

Ugh you're right. In other news,I'm nearly stupid enough to be a character on House of Cards.

they did. Like, the central conflict makes a lot of sense, but Dumpy himself is just too… vulgar, I guess. It's hard to believe Brutus or Antony really ever loved the man.

I saw this production. It's… really not great. Totally within its rights, and not at all morally reprehensible, but just not very good.

How did Ignatiy give this a C? It sounds like a disaster.

I love cottonwood best because of its food court, featuring the upside down Albuquerque.

How stupid is the direct address in this show? Ever since the start of season 2 (which, that little moment at the end of the premier was cute, i'll give them that), they've had no idea what to do with it and let it wither away. It only ever seems to come up when the writers remind themselves "oh, wait, we haven't done

I was in the audience when they were shooting closeups. it was great to see both their improvisational side between takes and the absolute precision when the cameras were rolling. these guys are unbelievable.

It's a good thing the Coronado mall in Albuquerque is so markedly different from Cottonwood Mall. At least then, the "Omaha" stuff can still look distinctive. But growing up going to those malls all the time, it can be really difficult to bring your mind around to "Yup, this is definitely Kansas."

This season did such a fantastic job foreshadowing Kim's accident. Not just the almost-crash earlier in the episode, or the little "You pulled another all-nighter" line that Jimmy just tossed off there. But she's driving that car and we see her framed exactly the same way as when she took her power nap a few episodes