
Good that there's gonna be a POSITIVE muslim character on the show but Isis… really?

That 'something': Why isn't Wonder Womans underwear American!
Dont we all want our national flags protecting our genitals!!!

Oh come on that was taken out of context and use ur brain covfefe what has a greater chance of some terror attack, a Big City or some Brexit voting town like the one your from

Lets not forget racist

What and Trump has NOTHING to say about the media now!!! Covfefe covfefe covfefe!

Don't be silly, Trump's too dumb to ubderstand it

While I'm all for more POSITIVE muslim characters bring introduced in shows and all, a superhero named ISIS….

Its probably not the character they're talking bout

Flashback to Season 2:
"I'm willing to let that baby wither and die inside of you"

Then maybe a certain first lady would get inspired to do so as well.

The AV Club headline states: "In a transformed political landscape, House Of Cards remains the same",
that's true but precisely the fault, since there seem to be so many parallels between Trump and Underwood, I feel like the show should've tried harder to shake up their formula. The same old house of cards can get

Not sure about Spacey being hammy but I do agree with you, I had a headache while watching the first couple of episodes but I think a large factor of that is the real world comparison whether we wanna admit it or not

You just read my mind dude! There's only so much of evil politicians I can take right now, though as always I'm interested in Claire

i dunno man, daredvil 2 was pretty muddled and matthew murdock went from my favorite superhero character to someone who i couldnt stand, he was so damn whipped (following elektra around idiotically) and generally bringing the series down

Yeah that could work though to be honest, i'd rather they just cancel Ironfist and come up with something better maybe a collen wing/misty knight series.. 'how bout a women of the mcu series' they have pretty cool ladies except for elektra, (may she die a slow and painful death amen)

All the arrow fans who left to become daredevil fans can come back, this season was miles beyond daredevil's sophomore season (Despite Jon's awesome Punisher)

You just gave me the idea of a Green Arrow show set in Earth 2 (as in they could've ended arrow here and started a new version)

I'm gonna miss Josh Segarra

I know right!

What is going on!! First The Manchester bombings and now this!