
True, but my question stands (and I'm not a republican or a trumped psycho fyi), isn't the media's job to report news without any bias?

It's kinda wierd but AV Club is the only website on the internet where i haven't come across a trump devotee cursing everyone else

There really doesn't seem to be any such thing as an unbiased media (over at Fox they're singing hymns on Trump and here it's all hate)

Like they'd get any work done together, and can you even imagine Carol working FOR or UNDER him?
… never mind I can see the under part

Agreed the trio were the best part, though I would like to see them go up against Carol Ann Keene again


They need some big name in the next season, I don't care if they get a famous teenager and then murder him/her, what Trial and Error needs is more recognition.

You forgot the supernatural ones: Sleepy Hollow, Lucifer, iZombie, Second Chance

Comedy in the vein of White Collar

And Now (drumroll) …The FBI will make Donald Trump Disappear!!!!

yeah except Capheus's mom's whole sickness in season 1 was due to faulty medicine, that's why Rajan was a dick

Got it, thanks

Well it's called Star City for a reason ;)

Also they should've reminded that to Katie cassidy before she had her facial

except that oliver knows what he did was wrong and he's trying to make up for it, ollie's dad just put his share of the work on someone else.

actually according to katie cassidy they also almost did it on his groin…but she caught it

hey i liked that the main character isn't paper thin, the first time i saw her in real life (only from a distance) i thought she was fat, it was later that i realized she was fine and that the rest of the CW people were outrageously slim/fit

She has this quality (that only some actors manage to get) that she's cool without trying. I mean i don't know much about her character but she just seems like she's cooler than the rest of the kids

One thing i hate about lots of reviewers (and im surprised to be writing this because these reviews are usually on point) is that they often downgrade a movie/tv show simply because it seems to have a trend that they don't like, i noticed this when some critics wrote that 'did suicide squad really have to be a

how'd you know it's cable maybe starcity has that channel without any cable?