
ha ha!

And The Game Begins

Has noone started insulting Selena Gomez yet, I'm surprised usually whenever she's attached to a project the comment section is abuzz with how she's gonna ruin everything

Really cause he always makes me skip all his scenes. God he's whiny and unlike other characters 90 percent of the shit that happened to him was his own doing

What did you call my Pheobe, dude?

It's sick how we all know exactly who you're referring to after all these years, lol


Can we all just agree that Ross is the WORST FRIENDS character!

Reach the end of the series and then come talk to me

Yeah so does 90% of my family…?

Oh you poor guy! I'm sorry

Ok, How about Age of Ultron: LAME

A perfect Westword-esque twist!

ha ha

None of the shows listed are even remotely interesting, and who cares enough about NCIS to watch leaked episodes of it?

Ha ha, good article. And they put the appropriate image on the article lol, I'd forgotten bout Hackers

I don't know how many of you have checked out that AV CLUB Video where they review Wonder Woman but that's sexist as hell!!!!
So according to those idiots it feels 'forced' and all when a woman has to save a guy numerous times but the same device is fine in EVERY OTHER GODDAMN MOVIE! God, I feel pissed!

No I know, but still Marvel does awfully well with critics and at the box office despite having some shitty movies (read: THOR THE DARK WORLD)

As long as they dont call the chick ISIS, they should be good…? Why else would it backfire?

And somehow Marvel would still end up with a billion and DC wouldn't