The Pecan Sandies

Lower taxes for the 1% are more important than not having an overt racist as president. If Trump has done one thing, it is to prove that definitively.

That's the absolute best case scenario and it's horrifying.

You don't let average people vote on an issue as complex as being in the EU. Case in point, the two most googled things in Emgland AFTER the vote ended were "what is the EU" and "what happens if the UK leaves the EU."

"I’m not convinced that this battle ends up accomplishing much of anything beyond sound and fury."

First person I ever blocked.

"I wanted the story to do one thing, but it did aother. Hence, I disliked it."

I think that intervention went well.

Using two spaces after a sentence, or failing to include the Oxford comma, are tools of the devil.

And accurate. If you live in DC, going to VA is like going to the dentist (at least it is in my view).

The other intellectual giant to make that observation is Paris Hilton.

Sadly, it appears those are not questions half the country cares about.

Yes. Joffrey killed Ros. My post was in response to the MRA guy who said there has been only one dead prostitute pointing out that the Faith Militant killed literally all of the ones who were residing in King's Landing.

Well in King's Landing it's been every single one of them, since the FM wiped them out. Plus the Wildings killed every single one of them in Molestown. Plus Shea, plus Ros.

He has a weird thing with humans needing to expel waste. His comment that his wife never defecates and referring to Hillary using the bathroom during a debate as "disgusting" is totally bizarre.

I concur as well. "State of Love and Trust" is their best song and I'm not sure it's all that close.

That's fair and I didn't know it was already in production (though I should have assumed). That said, I still think if the new showrunner embraces the story they can make it better.

Eh. It's a great premise, but it's not like Better Call Saul or The Americans losing their showrunner. I am sure there are many folks who can step in and improve it.

I read an article that made that exact argument. Vox, I think.

Carcetti is 100% O'Malley, but with less booze consumption.