The Pecan Sandies

I assumed the other Khalessi she befriended spread fuel all over the floor prior to the meeting.

Well holy fuck, that is how you do an episode GOT! Everyone will likely disagree, but this season is shaping up to be the best yet.

It was a spectacular set-up in that it was hilarious and exactly in line with Selina's narcissism that she didn't even consider that people who don't frequent the White House might prefer something prepared by the WH chef since it's kind of a once-in-a-lifetime event for them.

To be fair, most states did the same.

Yeah, they were all old law school friends / early career lawyer friends.

"About as likely as, let’s say, Claire becoming governor of Maine based on a single platform and one positive debate appearance. This is the lady you want running your great state? What up, Maine?"

That was my read.

My comment refers to the fact that you consider protecting universal human rights, in this instance those of the LGBT community, "pandering to the left." In what way did your comment imply concern for those rights? The law in NC prevents municipalities from passing laws that prevent discrimination against the LGBT

"Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us.

And the bill banned local minimum wages, because why not tell the poor to fuck off while we're here.

I thoroughly enjoy that conservatives now just openly state that protecting human rights is an issue they flat out don't care about. I appreciate dispensing with the niceties and just getting the hate right out in the open for all to see. It's the one perk of the Donald.

It isn't. They've gerrymandered the shit out of it so the legislature is WAY more conservative than the actual population.

It says a lot that as awful as this show can be, it's still ten times better than original.

Yep. Gorgeous apartment building.

I am not saying you're wrong, but that would be an outrageous signing bonus (though lawyers also don't get company cars). If he just lateralled from one firm to another as a fourth year, he'd get $0. Of course, this is television so it's not worth losing sleep that they overestimate attorney comp.

I don't hate the show - I am watching it (though my God, yesterday's episode). Dexter turned into a catastrophe, but I'll take seasons 1-4 over any season of TWD. Though I also never (in those seasons) got the sense that the writers wanted us to think of Dexter as anything less than a serial killer or to cheer for him

You can now stay on parents insurance until 25. Places as nice as that one are not likely to accept Medicaid as it is the worst payer.

So, at this point, we're being asked to cheer for one group or murderers over another because we met them first. That would be odd in and of itself, but what's more disconcerting is that I don't think the writers see it that way, but rather think they're still presenting the group as the "good guys" in a binary world

I'd go "Two Escobars."

Agreed, but still not nearly as vile as Gallinger and his 52 eugenic vasectomies.