The Pecan Sandies

Are you kidding me, reviewer? This show hasn't earned any leeway as to where it's going? Really? That wasn't its best epsiode, but it moved many plots along and the entirety of substance abuse research was beyond an A+. Like nothing on television . It was, as ever, really well filmed and really well acted. We are

Especially disappointing after they just aired the best episode they've ever done. It's more frustrating because they clearly know how to make really good television, but forego doing so almost every week.

I know you're probably right, but I would rather have Constantine than the new spin off. Maybe too dark for the CW? Though they didn't have a problem going dark with their best show, the 100.

Seriously, we can't get a reboot of "Constantine" on the CW? Does anyone really want League over that?

Well Holy Heart Failure was that a catstrophe. Color me crazy, but hour long ads are annoying.

Agreed. Had they not just cancelled the best network drama of the last ten years.

Alright, I'll say it, "F him."

Yes. I'm sure you HATE hundreds of thousands of dollars. :-)

Maybe she just wants to tell people she finally understands irony.

Because that's how movies work. Do we know for certain what the MI movies would make without Tom Cruise? No. But we know that studios think it's worth paying him $25M to be in them. As to the hunger games, is there any reason ANY male actor should be paid less than her? You can swap out any and all of them, and I'll

Yeppers. Being the biggest draw to a movie in which she is paid less and complaining REEKS spoiled brat. And while I am not a huge fan of Dunham, yep, creating a successful tv show and writing a successful book that people choose to buy on their own accord also reeks spoiled brat. While I understand it can be tough to

Yes. She's writing on a device with a calculator. Point. Missed.

Perhaps because "blacks" and "whites" are indistinguishable on the basis of DNA? Oh wait, that's science, so it's right out.

Conservatives should be very thankful it's their party obsessed with guns.

The slave or plantation owner test applies well in responding.

The US is not long for this world. We'll devolve into a dictatorship within 100 years. Fortunately, we'll have also denied climate change the entire time so on the bright side, there may not be any more people in Earth prior to then.

Especially if it involves Obama. If he commented the sun was hot, Hannity and Papa Bear would spend a week outraged at his ridiculous assertion.

That's his point though. He doesn't believe that we're on any sort of cusp of equality, nor does he think society has any interest in actual solutions to its problems. Neither of which, to me, distract from his very accurate description of the current state.

Early House was terrific and the episode discussed was the peak, but I felt the entire article was something I would have written in response to a superficial high school essay request. It got boring and less effective? Shocking, since that's the definition of a procedural where it's nigh impossible to come up with

Said no one ever.