The Pecan Sandies

In the words of a wise philosopher, if Mr. Kelly gets the chance, he should kill himself.

When it comes to condemning a man who likes to micturate on eight-year old girls, I'm going with "yes."

Counterpoint: Luke Perry, who I think is perfectly fine as an actor, but not a guy winning any awards, pulled it off easily. As have others in teen shows who you never heard from again.

Was gonna say the same thing. Dana Ashbrook could have easily played either role. The guy playing James could play neither.

It could be worse - it could look like a property Trump owns. Of course, my semi-modest condo exceeds those standards.

I think the super cold winter freezes the sea at its edges and they just walk around.

If they vote to proceed, they'll likely repeal. The potential pieces of legislation haven't really changed, so if you're voting to open debate on them, you're saying you can support one of them. Collins is a no, but they need two more and it's crickets

No. He told them he would pay them and naively thought he could keep secret what they were recovering.

What was his better option? He doesn't have a crew. He has no soldiers.

Not really. FX provided the entire first season to critics before it aired and this author assumed you could watch the episode before searching for reviews. And even if you couldn't, that you wouldn't click the review until you were ready to do so. Thus, the fault is entirely yours.

Because FX provided the entire first season to critics before it aired and this author assumed you could watch the episode before searching for reviews. And even if you couldn't, that you wouldn't click the review until you were ready to do so.

Came on to say the same thing about TGP. I cannot remember ever being that surprised by something that in retrospect was perfectly obvious (which it must be for the surprise to be any good). Extremely well done.

I hate Trump, but that shit has been going on for far longer than him. See the desire of some white people to use the n word because black people can. And these arguments represent the most, to me, frustrating arguments on the planet because you say, "hey, don't use the word [retarded, gay, etc.] because it's

I am so torn. The last scene was everything I want from this show and I love the idea that Varga is, essentially, an idea as old as time and therefore unconquerable hammering home a main (and much bleaker than past seasons) theme, but something about the journey there in the episode left me flat. I think it's the

And that was only the first installment, he had another $5M coming.

Agreed. I did take a tremendous amount of pleasure from Howard booting him out of HHM though.

Nope. We also don't need to give a platform to flat-earthers and people who think vaccines cause autism.

If Alex Jones gets the chance, he should kill himself.

This certainly wasn't a bad episode by any means, but if you're gonna name the episode after the story of the leprechaun then I would have strongly preferred a story about the leprechaun and not a random character who dies long before the story begins. By all means, include her portion, but if the goal is character

Anyone who says their marriage is an act at this point are the same people who insisted Walter White was a good guy after season 2. In short, they don't understand the story being told. In BB, they thought they were watching a show about the meth industry and a guy trying to do right by his family and here a show