That’s cool. But I’d be more excited if it were more Detroiters
That’s cool. But I’d be more excited if it were more Detroiters
I don’t know what the cost aspect is, but I’d be totally fine if they just went back to Disqus. It’s simple enough, easy to follow threads, basic upvotes if that’s your thing, block functions, etc.
Yeah, it’ll be a terrible move if they go the paid subscriber route for comments for AVC like they did with Jez. One of the main appeals of this place was an active commenting community. You could read quality writing but then jump into the comments in have useful discussions. Or you could just spout of endless…
Bustin is good for your health
Once again we have learned that the internet is full of awful people that should mind their own business.
I didn’t much like season 1 and didn’t care if it got renewed or not. But I thought season 2 was much better than the first. The directorial decisions they made definitely improved the show. I’m not one of those types that gets all hung up on what is or isn’t canon, how closely things track to the game, or whatever.…
It was badass. I’ve never been a Cyclops fan but whoever made this certainly was because they definitely made it a point to show him off.
Disappointed to see they are grilling cheese on the outside of the crispy taco. The grilled cheese offerings have been the worst things TB has done imo because it makes everything so disgustingly greasy.
Are they doing LCK? I know its been standard but I don’t remember them mentioning it in the episode. Usually either Tom or Padma (in this case, Kristen) will say “but you’ll still have a chance in LCK”. Maybe Tom really didn’t like that hat comment and was like “No LCK for you!”
That theme song gets me so hyped I feel like I could run thru a brick wall. This was excellent. Some of the action scenes looked really good, but the animation on some of character moments looks a little stilted (a minor nitpick). One thing I hope they change from the original (but I doubt they will) is I hope they…
Kristen was excellent as host. I knew she’d be a great choice to replace Padma.
Nice to know that still happens.
Nah, there won’t be any Skywalkers. It’ll be new and fresh with no connection to the movies*
Like? That word isn’t necessary. Listen to any talk he’s ever given about tariffs. He has no clue on the basic fundamentals of how they work.
Not only bump their prices, but likely push it up over the imported good and claim “We can’t compete with Country X, buy American!”. For example, let’s say something cost a dollar. We put a tariff on a good that makes that good from country X now costs $1.10. The domestic good isn’t gonna stay at $1. They’ll raise it…
A couple of years after Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar, they built a DT literally right next door to a FD in one section of my town. It makes no damn sense to me but somehow both stores are still open today but I figure with this news, the FD will likely be one of the stores closing. If not, I’m gonna assume the…
They should spend less time looking for a bigger burger and more time making things affordable. McDonald’s, like a lot of fast food places, have priced themselves out. No one is going to places like these because its great quality food, we’re going because its cheap and decent enough tasting. The way its priced now,…
Mariko assumes Blackthorne is going to think natto is too weird to eat? Fermented soybean? I believe Blackthorne has sampled much wilder fare.
Some of the writing for the sketches were pretty weak, but you saw how a great host can really elevate the material. Brolin gleefully threw himself into every role and it made everything better.
He’s just a legend. That’s really all that needs to be said. The DB series still feels the same to me now as it did when I was a kid. This hurts but what a legacy there is