Hi troll! Thanks for stopin' by..
Hi troll! Thanks for stopin' by..
Your welcome. It was the editor of Laurie's book that made that claim and used Burton as an example, along with Christ & David Koresh.
I thought the same thing. The off-spring of those who have the power that Holy Wayne (and now maybe Tommy) did are clearly shown to be important in some way. My question is WHEN did Wayne transfer to Tommy this power? When did he even hug him? They have never even been shown together again after Tommy refused his…
"…with folks believing whole-heartedly that the show was going to deliver all the answers and make some grand statement that would change their lives"
Whoa. I hated what he did with Lost, but there are some parts of this show that I must admit are very good. And this is from someone who swore that they would NEVER watch anything Lindelof wrote ever again.
They said that witnesses claimed that Burton died and then was "resurrected". It was in a town called Waterloo outside of Perth. They also said he "went to the other side and can't die". Waterloo was also the name of the room that Nora exposed her impostor at the hotel.
I do. But there's a big difference between "Wonderboy" and that skinny stick which should have snapped in half, eighty zombies ago.
If she hadn't gone outside for a smoke, she might have still been alive. It's what the writers were going for.
Well whadya know. Smoking did kill her after all.
That's one strong stick Morgan has. It looks just like a flimsy broom stick. But in actuality he drew it from a stone while screaming "Excalibur!".
It's possible, but they have only showed us that the only way for the apes to get "smart" is to inhale the green gas directly or to be an offspring of one who has. The virus, on the other hand, is spread by human to human contact. We have no idea if that can also make the apes intelligent. It's actually a plot hole…
I was waiting for Morgan to put on his ballet costume and sing "Give peace a chance". What a nitwit.
It's a good question. No they haven't. Just that the virus which kills humans went worldwide. Not the whole apes taking over plot. Or that even if "smart" apes live anywhere else. I actually re-named the second film : Dawn of the County of the Apes. Also, that film was supposed to end with the apes in control of the…
Just like Michonne did. And she seemed pretty safe among them.
And that's part of the problem. He thinks he can do whatever he wants which explains the "troll - like behavior" as I wrote. I didn't care for his rude comments and asked him to direct his comments elsewhere. But he just ignored me and kept trying to lecture me. He's an ass. That said, you're welcome.
You've got a point. And it's a good one.
This is pretty interesting.
And they have been there since the beginning! Trapped for years! Just think what a little thinning of the herd and up keep on the blocked exits would do. A similar situation occurred in Fear The Walking Dead. There were thousands of zombies trapped in a stadium. Then some idiot let them out.
In my opinion, it's not very good. It's got a very limited budget and it shows. Plus the characters are pretty poorly written as well. Just watch the first few episodes if you want. As it's pretty indicative of the entire season.
The ones camping out just outside the town, correct? A nod to The whole Ten commandments, River Jordan and the promised land thing, I reckon..