
I'm not sure what your aim is here, but you have embarrassed yourself. Jack is right. And by the time The Simpsons have parodied something, it's pretty safe to say that it has become a trope. Don't believe it? Take a look:

By making that a public declarations he was telling Sansa that he had absolute confidence in her. I didn't find that odd. Especially since they have been discussing that very subject in private.

Jon & Sansa talked in private during this episode (well, Davos was there too, but it was not 'public'). They also talked in private in the last episode one as well.

Eph, just put a bullet in his brain pan and be done with it already.

Yes. Just read the interviews with him on the subject.

You really are a piece of work. And what are you clairvoyant? You just assume someone is a 'liberal' just because they called you out on your prejudice? Then you throw a tantrum & try and play the victim? No wonder he blocked you. Sounds like sound advice to me.

Oh, but you were "about to congratulate him."? Who are you to issue out congrats to anyone when you make a prejudiced judgment about someone's age?

Agreed. What gets me is that they didn't even bother to ask him. I don't know if it bothers him or if he even cares. But they obviously care enough to use his music, just enough, so that the audience could be fooled into thinking it was him. Well, if that's the case…just ask the guy if he wants in again! It was, after

So you insult & criticize the guy but yet you demand respect in return? Who made you emperor? Maybe you should just apologize and leave it at that.

"Because if just would not be Blade Runner without him.." There are't many films where I feel the composer has done more to make the film a success and ensure it's classic legacy. However, Blade Runner is one of those films. The music was so much a part of what made that film what it was. It is very strange that they

"Nonetheless, this teases potential greatness—especially the trailer’s reprise of that superb Vangelis soundtrack."

"We…are the Tetanus Shot people."

And let's not forget dial-up, loud modems & windows 95. Actually..it was indeed a fantastic decade.

I groaned when he pulled out that photo. If I were William, I would have been like.."Dude, why are you carrying around polaroids of your sister when you're on vacation?"

How? I guess you think it's normal to just carry polaroids of your sister around when you're on vacation. Oh wait, I guess it comes in handy though for a ham handed audience reveal.

The part where Logan pulled out the picture of his sister was groan inducing. I would have loved it if William had just glanced at it and said "that doesn't look like anything to me".

That's the second time someone has called Ford a Monster. And I suspect it won't be the last. And that Monster sure got even with Mankind. Until now..

Because then they'd have to change the name to "The Rolling Dead".

Otherwise known as molotov cocktails..

No, they come there because there is no place like this anywhere. That's why they pay absurd amounts of money to go there. Not to "kill" robots. lol There are no "hosts" in the real wold. And the hosts are not "sentient". Watch the show, you'd be amazed at what information you can pick up by just watching the show!