
I think she is referring to all the hippies camping out just outside the town. It reminded me of the myth of the ten commandments where god had them 'wander' the desert until an entire generation has been consumed. Then they were free to cross over the "River Jordan" into the promised land. Since there is a river

See what I mean? lol He's having a fit right now.

Rick's is right about one thing. It is an insane world. And he made it that much more insane. Nice job there Ricki! lol

Hey, I'd rather have them all in one place in a deep pit with high walls where you could take em out from a relative position of safety over time, instead of what has now occurred with thousands of free range zombies on the loose. Would it take time to take most of em out? Yup. But hey, Zombie Rome wasn't built in a

Yeah, that joker is keen to tell everyone else what to do and think. I think he cries every time anyone dares criticize Lindelof. lol

Seems like they access to all the equipment, like hoses, they could want. And there's no rule that says you have to burn em all at once. The main fact is that they are trapped. Shore up the exits and let the extermination begin.

With only 2 ways to get out , no less. Looked like a very nice walker killing pit to me!

Well, they certainly do have the high ground!

Can you read creepy stalker troll? I guess not.

Can you read creepy stalker troll? I guess not..

I guess asking you not to comment directly to me is too much for you since you own the site. But hey, trolls gotta be trolls.

Hey, creepy stalker troll, sell it somewhere else. Lost was an abomination.

You came after me, for some reason. Telling me to "Read the article". So you're in love with Lindelof. How nice for you. Doesn't mean the rest of us are, creepy troll.

And yet your troll like behavior continues..

"Read the article?" Who are you? The enforcer? People are able to make decisions on their own about subjects. Just thought I'd clue you in on that.

Can you read? I wrote "Lindelof's work". His writing, professional work. See how that is possible?

And yet your troll like behavior continues..

Criticism regarding Lindelof's work is neither "personal shit" nor hate.

Are you that insecure you continue to feel the need to comment DIRECTLY to me? I guess I must have hit a nerve, troll.

And yet your troll like behavior continues..