Gee, magical and selective thinking there.
Gee, magical and selective thinking there.
Oh so now it's a matter of getting supplies and not that they can, ya know, still move around? Disperse?? To where? Naw, your right. Maybe they can charter some buses for a vacation in Florida!
How is it "hindsight" when it's happening at the same time as the characters actions? Maybe you mean same-sight, champ.
And it's not grounded in "reality" when decisions / actions are made for the SOLE reason to show something or include it as part of something the writers and producers wanted to show (Daryl as a pied piper leading thousands of zombies down a country road) at the expense of what reasonable, rational and REAL people…
"We rented a house" is short hand for "we rented an apartment"? Huh? When you rent a portion of a house (top floor, room whatever) it's an apartment. Not a whole house as implied or actually directly stated as they did here. "Short hand" or not. lol
Give me a break. If you use enough napalm, fire whatever, their legs, arms etc…will burn and then they will nearly or completely immobilized. They still need flesh to move around after all (muscles, tendons etc..). Their not just bones or walking skeletons out of Jason and the Argonauts. lol Then they can dispensed…
Yeah, I don't believe it's grounded in "reality" at all.
"Zombie bumper pool" lol Love it. And you're right. These zombies are already trapped. The barriers, walls and potential exits could use some maintenence work for sure, but yeah. Napalm, gasoline, bullets, arrows are all good moves..
And Rick has become a complete idiot.
How is a proven strategy vs a risky, elaborate, unproven one debatable? Maybe with idiotic writers and characters doing the debating maybe..
Well maybe if the AUTHOR FIXED IT, people would stop commenting on it. It's natural for people to want to comment after reading something that is wrong. Don't like? Don't read.
Yeah, I don't agree it's debatable. It's idiotic. It's already a PROVEN WALKER SHIELD. Why screw with something that WORKS? That's why you thin the herd in the pit as time passes. Get some trucks, tractors, cement, debris WHATEVER and shore up those TWO exits. Period. They have access to PLENTY of Vehicles (large and…
No, that would be "Fear The Walking Dead".
Not buying it. They had plenty of time and material to build walls but not shore up a few exits from the a pit that you can control? Give me a break..
Their already in a "pit". Why not just turn it into "fiery" one? To do what they did was just insane and stupid beyond belief. And unnecessary.
Too bad Neil deGrasse Tyson wasn't there to confront Rick. One of the main reasons Earth revolves around the Sun in relative safety is that it is shielded from asteroids and comets. And that protection comes in the form of Jupiter's immense gravitational pull. Comets like Shoemaker-Levy 9 which slammed into Jupiter in…
So? Houses can't burn down without it being arson? Maybe it's not the same house. Especially when character's specific dialogue contradict it. The writers are the ones who didn't make it clear.
When renting a few rooms or a top floor of a house, you don't go around saying "we rented a house". Bad writing.
Then the writers are sloppy. Kevin and Nora are telling everyone that they "rented a house". And who the heck puts a 50,000 deposit on an apartment? Again…sloppy.
Really? Then why are Kevin and Nora stating that they had "rented a house"? Who puts a 50,000 deposit on an apartment?