
He died?!?!

Are you sure it's not a Yoo-hoo! conspiracy?

I miss prison.

Trump's speech on the protests: "Well, I'm here to talk about all the great work we're doing, but first…"

Poor souffles. :(

And Melania Sparkle Trump said something about it.

You misspelled cent.

I like this movie. Does that make me an "alt-right fascist"?

All of my dumps are nervous dumps. :(

Don't be silly. Hillary Clinton was the war hawk.

Are you my parole officer?

Cogsworth is fine. He's taking some time off. No big deal.

I'm scared!

Also stop that.

Stop that.

I miss prison.

How about something nicer? Like a Boxcar Children series?

Don't yell.

We need to work on your friendship skills.

I don't want to be famous.