
Does Trump do this so he can say "You're fired"?

How are you going to keep posting if you eventually get George R.R. Martined?

You killed her, didn't you?


What's more saddening is that he's not jumping to the defense of his Jewish daughter.

You should be proud of that one.

The Star Wars Holiday Special 2: Life Day Never Dies

Please. There's a reason the ladies call him "Big Ben."

*catches you*

From a certain point of view.

Aunt Beru's Final Celery Smoothie

"Look, Anakin, I said no marriage. I never said anything about sex."

Can we maybe take a break from Nazis and talk about nice things, like Obi-Wan Kenobi getting his own movie?

Wait, so we're supposed to be upset with them for doing the right thing?

He's not a Nazi. He's more of a grouchy uncle.

Did Harvey Dent say that before or after he started wearing a Make Gotham Great Again cap?

"It's almost as if people don't like being within the vicinity of erupting assholes."


There's a huge difference between "misogyny" and "somewhat dated jokes."

Dude, relax.