
But the cockroach was WALL-E's best friend!

It was worth a try…

Now I'm hurting. :(

I need a snuggle. Who would like to rub my adorable nose?

You really shouldn't put "Hillary burying Bernie" in the same category as any of that other stuff.

Go see the My Little Pony movie.

Commander Superhero v Freedom Man: Birth of America

Why does Hannity's logo look like it should belong to a hockey team?

Even I think this might be a little paranoid.

But the GOP will probably shrug it off as "he's new to politics" or something.

I miss prison.

I miss prison.

Yes, I do dislike myself enough to spend money to ruin my self-confidence for the day.

How does it taste?

You're thinking of Ann Coulter.

Except Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle will outlive all of us.

She's not gonna die again, is she?

So no rape then?

Angel will sleep much better tonight.

Hee, hee!