
Since they have been repeating previous battles and feuds (Field of Fire, War of the Five Kings) to fit with the cyclical history theme, is the Night King getting his own dragon going to be the new Dance of Dragons? Because I really cannot see Jon and Daenerys fighting each other with dragons over who gets the Iron

What did I just watch? GoT is increasingly turning into a summer blockbuster with characters who do dumb things because the plot demands they do dumb things.

They really haven't. I don't think they've mentioned Rhaegar in connection with the prophecy at all.

Wait, an annulment? For the crown prince? That no one knew about? Rhaegar set aside his wife and children for Lyanna? On what basis, because they sure as hell consummated the marriage. I don't know what to make of that.

Well, she does call herself Daenerys Stormborn. She may not have talked about Dragonstone in the past, but it makes sense to me that she would set up base there for personal and historical reasons. The meta reasons of Benioff and Weiss wanting to jettison Dorne just supplement the emotional and thematic reasons. Sure,

Yes, I wondered if there is some damning evidence of his correspondence with the Boltons or Cersei (she summoned him when he was there with Sansa).

I think the closest we got to seeing Storm's End was Renly's camp when Catelyn visited. Not enough room in the budget back then for the Baratheon ancestral seat?

Oh come on, Davos, you can do better than that. We all know Jon Snow's titles:

I don't know. Kinvara (the one who freaked out Varys) is the High Priestess of Volantis; perhaps Melisandre wants to visit her.

Between Edd and Sansa, I think Bran needs to come with his own trigger warning. I hope Theon doesn't run into him.

"You make me feel like I'm failing at brooding over failing." It's definitely an improvement over, "I drink and I know things."

I liked his moment of self-awareness when he realized how crazy it sounds.

“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.” Despite not feeling one bit sorry for Olenna, that was amazing. "I did what I did to protect my family." Bitch please, you did what you did to elevate your already powerful family, and framed two innocent people in the process. Olenna reaped what she sowed, but she went out

Castle Black is the worst about sending ravens. The Citadel thought Mormont was still the Lord Commander.

I don't think they know what to do with Sansa if Littlefinger isn't hanging round, so they're dragging that out for another season. If they wanted to write Sansa as smart, she should be working Royce and Robin to secure the Vale army herself. I think they're milking Littlefinger for Stark kids drama — Bran returning

He brought them to Catelyn at Renly's camp and then took that as the perfect moment to make a pass at her. Cat rightfully pulled a dagger on him and told him to get the hell out. I assume Cat then had Ned's bones returned.

Thanks, off to watch it now.

Oh, I misheard. I was probably thinking of the scene with her and Ned. I like your reading, although I am admittedly attached to the direwolves staying with their Starklings.

Ser Budget must have also slew Ser Pounce, the one true king.

She was there when Littlefinger met with Tywin at Harrenhal. I don't remember exactly what LF said, but he was conspiring against Robb.