
The more I think about the Nymeria scene, the less I like it. Arya says, "That's not me," meaning she's not feral or a lone wolf, instead she wants to turn her back on vengeance and return to Winterfell. But the direwolves are deeply bonded to their Starklings, and they usually appear to protect them and/or guide them

In the Season 6 finale, Sansa had told Jon that Littlefinger sold her to the Boltons. I don't know what else she's told him.

I think of Euron as a third act villain — someone who thinks that he is the ultimate villain, like the neo-nazis on Breaking Bad, but he's really not. We are far more invested in Cersei than we could ever be in Euron.

I thought the big argument against attacking Kings Landing would be the caches of wildfire that Tyrion mentioned last season and that they know Cersei has already used once. But then again, Daenerys and Varys haven't talked before now, and Daenerys seems totally cool with hanging out with child murderers, so….

That was over way too quickly. I cried in both Arya scenes — as soon as she heard about Jon, and then when she was begging Nymeria to return with her. Speaking of direwolves, still no sighting of Ghost. Not even a sleeping one in the corner. WTF

Their ice creams are quite rich. I only eat a couple of spoonfuls at a time — anything more is too much.

Tulip makes vanilla hash browns. I would not rely on her as the exemplar of American home chefs.

Trader Joe's French Vanilla is my favorite grocery store vanilla. I think Double Rainbow makes it, and it's a rich, eggy custard-type vanilla ice cream. Häagen-Dazs is my runner up, but it's light on vanilla.

I still have my mother's recipe for Andalusian gazpacho, in which she noted parenthetically, "Barbiturates optional." She was a big Almodóvar fan.

I hope The Young Pope submitted something. The sheer amount of music over ten episodes was almost overwhelming, but a couple that stood out to me were "Senza un Perché" (when the Greenland PM was dancing by herself — the opposite of a Lynchian dancing woman) and the sweetly poppy Flume track, "Never Be Like You" that

Hmm *eyes narrowed* I suppose I accept that. (Honestly, I forgot that they went on that silly hiatus.)

How did The Good Place, which was excellent, make this list, but not Atlanta or Insecure, both of which also aired in 2016?

Cassidy's obsession with the foreskin story is rather endearing. I wonder if it will be a running gag.

He said, "The circumstances of your death commit me." Perhaps he saw that gods were involved in her death, so he interjected himself, or Odin called in a favor. I'm more inclined to the former because I don't see Odin giving a whit about Laura and her afterlife. Either way, he did not seem pleased at all.

Lol, excellent. Thank you, @fursa_saida:disqus and @noradeirdre:disqus

The raspberry stigmata cookies as a play on thumbprint cookies was quite clever.

I was wondering about that myself. The best I could come up with is that (1) it unified the two timelines and strengthened the parallel qualities of the two stories; and (2) it made the episode feel like a mini-movie. Most — or perhaps all — of Master of None S2 is shot in that anamorphic format, and it feels very

I don't know if it was intentional, but I read Laura stealing the (refrigerated) ice cream truck to be resurrected as a sly nod to the fridged girl trope.

That is fantastic. Who is the Jesus with the khakis and white, short-sleeve button-down? Trainee Jesus?