
she's still great

I LOVE comedy but I really am not into documentaries… I've seen maybe 20 docs ever. Do you have to be a documentary buff to "get" this show?

is she from The Leftovers? She's great

I really like the photography and header to this article. seriously great.

what would happen if, every time I bought something from Amazon, I clicked through the links in this article so AV Club got a cut of what I bought? Would Amazon get suspicious?

noooo! my glory days are gone

I adore Michael Cera. I find it sad that he's hardly in movies anymore. I watched "Hits" because Netflix said he was in it. (He was, for like 2 minutes…)

Univision says "si"

I think the article was at least positing that her value (as the show was presenting her to us) hinged on, initially, her brother and his friends' perception of her— as a girl who USED to be nice to them but now is into, like, teenagery things— and also on Jonathan's perception of her. It's kind of subtle, but I can

I feel very dumb for feeling so mindblown right now.

THIS is what a man sounds like when he walks

Casey is the best, RIP Casey

I feel like an idiot now, you're clearly trolling me. Har dee har har.

eh, to me it was, but often sexism is in the eye of the beholder. There was a thought-provoking article (sorry, it's another Barbicle, but it had interesting things to say about the general female cast of ST) http://www.vox.com/2016/8/3…

she'd actually make an amazing Squirrel Girl. Who is supposed to be a little on the curvy side anyway, so go away Anna Kendrick XD

maybe it's girls relating to her? why did you leave like 100 comments on this article ragging on Barb??

yeah, this I don't get. I'm not into Walking Dead (though I half-watch it) so I just ignore the thinkpieces when they roll around.

eh, the difference is that Felicity is one of those "LOOK HOW QuIPPY" characters, while Barb was somewhat measured, normal, although nerdy and plus-size. Barb wouldn't make Stranger Things into The Barb Show (which Felicity kinda did with Arrow. I liked her a lot in the beginning, but… smaller doses). It doesn't even

Ha! Stranger Things should aspire to being half as good as Lost.

whoa there