

…United Methodist Church?

give us money

I imagine one's hand would go right through Ghostface Killah's intangible ghostface.

zac efron's face is beautiful

I love the mall!!!!!

my mom looked great in old photos, until the late 80s rolled around and she started perming her hair to high heavens.

oh my christ when will this stupid ghostbusters conversation die already

this song doesn't do it for me, but I think Maladriot, EWBAITE, and the new album are all standout records.

I love "Slob", it's kinda my theme song.

Eulogy for a Rock Band is great, it has the prettiest tune. The change from the downbeat-sounding verses to the booming bittersweet chorus… that is like musical chemistry.

I think a lot of Weezer haters just enjoy riding that Weezer-hating bandwagon. I admit they have some cringey songs in their repertoire, but also a lot of amazing songs. And some of those cringey songs are enjoyable if you're listening on headphones (to avoid judgement from others)

"no one in their twenties can incubate an original thought for longer than a second."

Winter loving, had me a blast
Winter loving, happened so fast

Pre-internet, I would just quietly ponder my favorite episodes.

the great thing about GoT is it points out that Ned's goodness was really his downfall. Just like Jon's sense of honor/family almost caused him to lose the Battle of the Bastards. Life isn't as black and white as Ned's moral attitude, especially if you're playing against horrible people.

I think she's got a lot of spare time for dating now :/

But what does that have to do with Game of Thrones? It seems relevant to AVC's modus operandi.

tell that to Cersei!

"Red Septing"? More like Green Septing!!