
Revenge is a dish best served baked.

Honestly, I was still trying to control my despair over Margaery, and the comedy in Sam's little scene helped calm me down. The episode needed a little lightheartedness, I think.

No way! I need to know why Daria has a thigh gap.

were you the disruptive smart kid in school?

no one ever mentions "Slob" from Maladroit, but to me that one is the album highlight.

Tyrion is there to keep her from getting too fire-happy, though!

I generally enjoy the newbie reviews more. I find them to be more thoughtful and analytical. Like this review made me consider what makes a character a 'good guy' or 'bad guy' when the morals of medieval warfare can be murky. The other review didn't provide anything to ruminate upon, other than "why did they need a

unpopular opinion, but I really don't like him. He's very hammy—which I usually like in an actor, but— his mannerisms and stuff are always the same. Whenever Ian McShane is onscreen, he like, hogs the spotlight. It's like they give him 3x the amount of dialogue as every other actor. So chatty. I might be being

I really despise that style of over-rendered coloring. I stayed away from mainstream/superhero comics for the longest time because I feel like my eyes are gonna bleed when I look at stuff like this.

Could it be because music is so hard to monetize nowadays?

Matador is an amazing label. Also, clearly they tried to clear the song, only to find the publishing house that gave them the rights to the song didn't HAVE the rights to the song. I would blame the publishing house (and the dude from The Cars).

noooo, don't do that!
Look, I used to just sit there and daydream about all the cool adventures I'd have and things I'd do and the person I'd be if only I could just lose a bunch of weight and be the glamorous, awesome skinny girl I could half-picture myself being in my mind. I mean I'd literally hold off on doing fun

but is Zac Efron's friend from the first one in it? The one who was secretly in love with him?

I was with you for a while there. But if we 80s-born nerds love stuff, and someone is making a new version of the stuff we love, why hate it (before it even comes out)??

ok, I'd been meaning to check out DFW since forever, so I just randomly found The Depressed Person (what can I say, it's a catchy title) online and read it because of this comment.

I have done my good deed of the day. I have never met anyone who dislikes that movie.

yeah, I wasn't crazy about TWWB but I watched the hell out of it because of him. I, weirdly, started noticing him in movies around when Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came out, and then really, REALLY liked Moon. He's one of those actors I wish were in more movies, particularly good ones, because he really elevates

I remember my sister watching 300 while I was violently, hallucinatorily sick with the flu or something at her apartment. Ever since then I have had this visceral reaction of disgust to even hearing his name.

I hated casa de Barton

Personally I really loved Sam Rockwell in Iron Man 2. I have such a thing for him. Unfortunately it meant I was actively rooting against Tony Stark in the film. I think that's why, to this day, I still don't really like Tony.