
yeah, as someone who gets intensely bored during the big fight scenes in these superhero movies (well, at least the CG-ified fight scenes replete with giant explosions) I particularly loved IM3 because it had a more relaxed, character-driven tone. Also I like Shane Black a lot, and enjoyed having his tone in a Marvel

I actually thought this particular interaction was such a sick burn, I couldn't even!

upvoted for comment-username synergy

my problem is that it'd be future money, aka useless in 'present day'. They'd be a lot better off stealing fun future tech, except even though it's 30 years in the future there isn't any future tech. The only future tech we hear about is a drive Felicity started working on… in present day… wow, looks like humanity has

he made me Pete like five times, it was amazing.

all but two of the characters have the same facial mold, and the same voice actor. So even though I thought the movie was "meh", it merited the stop motion because otherwise they'd need to CG everyone to have the same face.


I mean, if it makes you feel better, it's not like I want them to bang or anything. I don't read smutty fanfics of Sansa and the Hound (or any hetero couple, as a matter of fact). I just like the idea of some romance there.

but… they hug, and it seems like a sexy hug. Also, Finn wears his coat the whole movie, like it's his boyfriend's letterman jacket or something…

I forgot about that ship! gahh… that kiss TT^TT

isn't it cheating to ship yourself with another character? What a Mary Sue!!!

Destiel all the way!

man, I'm 28 and my hormones inexplicably never cooled off from my teens. I ship my OTPs so hard. I remember being in the movie theater watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier and just whispering "Kiss him" under my breath when Bucky dragged Steve out of the Potomac.

I shipped Winston Smith and O'Brien.

it got so many kudos on AO3.

yeah, for a bunch of geniuses, they really have no common sense. "If you tell her, you'll put her in danger!" They really need to bury that sentence and never let it see the light of day again. It makes absolutely zero sense logically. To be unaware of danger, and unprepared for it, is a lot more dangerous than being


you know, I think I ship Earth-2 Iris with Earth-1 Barry. I had never seen any chemistry between them before, until that latest episode when she was all take-charge and wearing a cool Earth-2 future-retro pantsuit.

ooh, I forgot about how much I shipped Agent Cooper and Audrey. I was really upset that they just sank that ship (tee hee) and threw in Heather Graham to try and distract us.

I can see this. Hm… it makes sense.