
my top 10 (more or less in order. Order determined more by my ardor and obsession with the show rather than objective quality):

ah, if that's actually a clever portmanteau I humbly withdraw my snark.

the "iate" in "pronounce" is silent…


haha, whichever one had everyone standing in a half-circle congratulating Shinji. I think it was End of Evangelion but it might have been end of Evangelion.

*shakes catatonic wife*

Let the mystery be!

ha, Damon Lindelof said in a Variety interview that she wouldn't…

how can you tell the car is a girl? Do the headlights have big eyelashes or something?

Did the season 2 ending weirdly remind anyone else of the end of Evangelion?

I think his American accent is perfect. I didn't watch Dr Who so I had no idea the dude is British.


interesting. Still haven't seen Mr. Robot but I can imagine that deflating the song somewhat.

too many ellipses make you seem like a pervert or someone with a lot of secrets.

I don't know; I view it as a stylistic/tone choice. When I text, it's generally a war between my uncoordinated fingers and my iPhone screen. But when I'm actually writing something, it's with a proper keyboard— and assuming others are reading it who aren't friends or family, I don't want to come across as an

counterpoint to your counterpoint:

yeah, I agree. Some of the song choices took away from the self-seriousness of the show (um especially when Patti Rick-Rolled Kevin, but many other moments as well) and I always prefer a more daring soundtrack— daring to either completely fuck up or reach transcendence, but nothing in between— to a safe, bland

tell me about it, stud.

haha I basically wrote the same exact comment as you before scrolling down to read. That Regina Spektor song… just THE WORST.