
The Great Comet is FANTASTIC. Genuinely one of the best shows on Broadway - Brittain Ashford is amazing. No judgment at all.

In theory they're supposed to be purely educational, with all of activities designed to be an education experience. The employer legally should not get any advantage from having an intern and it shouldn't displace any other employees (i.e. an entry-level / admin role). And yet I seriously doubt most internships comply

I genuinely wonder how many unpaid internships comply with the legal regulations about them, where they are basically supposed to be all about the student's education and not used as a way for a company to get free entry level labor. I suspect that most unpaid internships are just so a company can get someone to do

Twin Cinema is probably the most commonly agreed upon best album, though Challengers is my second fave. But they're my favorite band and I think all of their music is just fantastic.

The great thing about BotW for me with this is that NOT doing that makes it feel a lot less overwhelming. When I play other open world games with a huge full mini map of all the things you can do and all sorts of collectibles, I get uneasy, because I know that my urge will be to do every single mission / extra but

Yeah, All-Time feels so big, but man it's REALLY good. I've been playing it since release and I'm still constantly impressed by how good it is.

Yeah, I've considered making my own recipe book in Google Docs or something, but I'm too lazy so I haven't. But it would be really nice to know what worked and what definitely doesn't.

I graduated from college about four years ago and I still have those nightmares.

My parents are also on the Google Music family plan, which means I have access to YouTube Red and no commercials. I watch a lot of YouTube content and I haven't seen any ads in a long time.

I really hate that aspect of the awards season too. For the most part, if something gets nominated for Best Picture it's probably pretty good. There are exceptions of course, but the old adage of even getting nominated is an honor is pretty accurate.

I think the biggest kicker for Affleck is that his harassment happened on film sets. Should you really get employee of the month at a company if you sexually harass your coworkers, even if you are really the best salesperson?

Twin Cinema is the one I go back to most too - it's pretty much perfection. Challengers is odd, that one I thought was disappointing but now it's probably my second favorite New Pornographers album, and I think it's seriously underappreciated - it's very close to Twin Cinema in my estimation. I think Together is great

I love both American theme songs for pure nostalgia, but I don't belt out the Pokemon theme songs the way I do with "Chaaaaaaange into digital champions etc."

Emperor's New Groove was one movie where I watched it as a kid, liked it but didn't really pay it much attention, but then loved when I was an adult. It's so wonderful.

I could get behind a crossant with sushi in it, but since there's no rice you can't really call it sushi….

I mean, Ewan McGregor is kind of inspired casting for Obi-Wan. He definitely did his best with the limited material and with limited direction.

I mean, I dislike the prequels as much as anyone, but given the fact that Jake Lloyd was a kid actor being directed by George Lucas at his most incompetent it's nowhere near his fault. There's a LOT of talented people in the prequels and for the most part the casting is on point but the direction wasn't there.

Griffin attempting the Totino's power hour and then realizing that six pizza rolls is a serving is one of my favorite things ever. It was such a great episode for being branded content.

Also they tend to be really good about listening to criticism when their straight white cis maleness gets the better of them. A while back they got some criticism about one of their goofs, where they were joking about how names didn't matter at all to them and they didn't care what they were called. Trans people

And yet I still see so many people say "you're a celebrity, stay out of politics" when they voted for Trump. The disconnect is mind boggling.