
It's been a couple of years since I commented on a regular / daily basis (before I got a much busier job) but this is a really great community and it's a shame that this is happening.



Agreed - I loved CGI but i really like hearing those video game podcast moments and I think it's really interesting. The Polygon Show is super excellent but I think there's room for another podcast like that with Griffin and someone else (maybe Phil Kollar, since I miss their Hearthstone videos).

Also childhood habits aren't always indicative of future eating habits - I had a picky eater phase as a kid but as an adult I will try anything and like most foods. Eating some chicken fingers as a kid didn't ruin my life.

Now can they make AbracaDeborah?

Man, if I'd only graduated four years later *shakes fist*.

I almost always prefer to eat chicken thighs to chicken breast because it's moist enough to let me overcook it without it getting too dry, because I am paranoid about chicken.

My sibling and I both prefer steaks on the rare side of medium rare, which kind of baffles our parents who prefer it on the done side of medium (i.e. minimal pink). It's probably generational.

People send texts or act friendly with their rapists / abusers all the time. That doesn't mean anything.

Yeah, the Peter Pan arc is a slog. Season 3 is pretty mediocre all around. New York City Serenade is fun and the two-part season finale is great, but those are only 3 episodes.

Yeah, I feel like they started out wanting to do their own thing with the original group of characters and tried in general to have them be their own thing despite Disney, but then they realized "hey we could make some Frozen money with this" and then are now throwing in the Disney characters.

Yeah, they've definitely gotten worse. The first season was OK - they weren't great but they were passable, and they didn't seem to rely on them as much. A few seasons later and even my mom is complaining about the effects, and that's not something she normally even notices.

OUAT has its history of annoying children that no one likes, so I have no idea why they're going this direction.

As the show has gone on their special effects budget has seemingly gotten smaller, so it's gotten the shoddiest of budget green screen available. They spend all of their budget on Lana Parilla's costumes, which to be fair isn't a bad investment.

It used to be fine in Season 1 and into 2 but swiftly went downhill. It has occasionally since had its moments of greatness - I still defend the Season 3 two-parter time travel finale as being one of the series highpoints, as two genuinely great episodes of the show. But they've made a lot of baffling / terrible

I've never seen Weekend at Bernie's and yet it is probably the movie I reference most often.

I didn't love it by any means but I liked it well enough when I saw it in theaters. I've never really had the urge to see it again, though.

Agreed. And it's not like A New Hope is some bastion of original storytelling - it's the hero's journey. There's nothing wrong with that - it's an effective story for a reason. TFA was similar, but different enough and had a lot of great characters and character development. It was also supposed to be the movie to

I was already to do a "trailers are edited to sell things, the TFA trailer was very successful so it makes sense they'd mirror it for TLJ" spiel but if it's not even the real Force Awakens trailer, then come on, there's nothing there.